Page 61 of Little Mouse

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“Considering his brother was found trying to break into my home to search my grounds for their missing sister, and his men oh so helpfully provided that information, I thought it best to reach out. While also letting you know that whatever they promised, you won’t get it.”

“And what exactly did this man say? I’m sure you can’t believe the words of a lowly guard who was trying to save his own skin.”

“Normally, no,” I agree. “But considering the brother just about yanked out his own arms trying to get out of the chains to silence the man, I’m thinking that it’s credible.”

“And the brother, he is still alive?”

“I gave my word to his father. I didn’t say anything about the kind of condition he would be returned in. I’ll spare you the details, but let’s just say the entire De Luca family is about to fall apart, and they are going to be dragging you down with them if you consider keeping the alliance.”

He’s quiet. “And how do you know this?” he asks, though I note something else in his tone and I know he’s listening very carefully.

I bite back a smirk. “Well, I was invited to dinner by the idiot’s uncle, who informed me of his plans to offer up his niece, the idiot’s sister, in exchange for an alliance with him to overthrow his brother, Leonardo, the current don. Naturally, I was curious, but before we could get into detail, Leonardo, and his son Marco showed up. And, well, that was when our dinner went south and I had to leave behind a perfectly good piece of fish to find out why the youngest De Luca boy was breaking into my home. And now, come to find out, not only is the uncle trying to take over, but so is the son. It’s all very messy, and I’m sure you can see why that would be a problem.”

“Hmmm, yes, I can. Let me call you back, Armani.” Then he drops the call.

I pull the phone from my ear, annoyed that once again someone has dared to hang up on me, and look at Sofia. “What do you know?” I demand.

“Alessio is the oldest son and is set to take over for his father. There are two other brothers, they’re known for being men you don’t cross, but fair. When I was younger, I was taken, and Alessio was the one who came for me and killed them. They treat their soldiers like family, and their men are some of the most loyal out there. So they are the men you want on your side.”

“And the father?”

She gives a soft smile. “Pietro is like his sons, though a little harder. His wife betrayed him, and he loved her more than anything until that day. He was the one who killed her along with her lover, and for a while, we weren’t sure he would come back from that. But his sons helped him, and he came around. He was always kind to me, like a grandfather of sorts. He was the one who paid for me to go to school. He also was the one who paid for me to come here, despite my family trying to convince me otherwise. He offered me a place in his home working for him, but I wanted out, so he gave it to me. He’s not going to take it well if someone has double-crossed him.”

“What are the chances of him aligning with us?” Dante asks her curiously.

She shrugs. “I’m not sure. But if you can offer him something, I’m sure he’d consider it. Alessio has always wanted to expand, but he’s careful and makes smart moves according to my father.”

Something promising. And I suppose we have an ace in the hole when it comes to Sofia working with us if they have as much affection for her as she states. “Did they know you were taking a job with me?” I ask curiously.

“I came here to explore, but when I saw the position open, I called and asked for details about you. Wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to work for a selfish prick,” she adds with a smirk my way. “Or, at least not one that I couldn’t handle.” Dante snorts, and I pin him with a glare, which he ignores. “Either way, they know where I am, and it might mean that you have a better chance than the De Lucas of getting whatever you need out of them.”

Before I can reply to that, my computer starts to chime with a video call coming through. I answer it and am greeted with the faces of Pietro and Alessio Caruso, and two other men I assume are the final sons in the family equation. “I hear you have some information that might be of interest to us, Mr. Armani,” Pietro says as he stares at me with dark assessing eyes.

The man doesn’t look a day over fifty, but must be pushing seventy by now. His face has some lines, but it looks like he keeps himself in good shape. His hair is salt and pepper, and he sports a clean-shaven face compared to that of his three sons. But there is no mistaking the power of this man. Still, I won’t be intimidated. I’m a don, and that means he and I, we are on equal ground. “Perhaps. It is good to see you in such good health, Signore Caruso. I don’t think I’ve seen you since I was a boy.”

“Your father was a fucking idiot, so I hope you turned out better,” Pietro says bluntly.

I let my lips quirk at his description of my father. “On that we can agree. Which is why, I’m sure the information we have will make you reconsider any deal with the De Lucas.”And align with me, but I leave that unsaid.

“Hmmm,” Pietro replies. “My son has given me the gist. But before we begin, I would like to speak with Sofia.”

I arch a brow, but nod to Sofia to come around to stand beside me. Her lips pull up into a warm smile. “Pietro, you handsome devil. I hope you’ve come to your senses and kicked my brothers’ asses to the curb.”

Pietro laughs and a smile pulls at his lips. It’s clear he has a lot of affection for my housekeeper, and from the looks on his son’s faces, they feel the same. I see Dante edging closer to Sofia’s side out of the corner of my eye and nearly roll them. Fucker needs to get a grip. “They are far too good at their jobs to do that,cara mia,” Pietro tells her. “You are well?”

There is a wealth of questions there, but unsurprisingly, Sofia says, “Would I not tell you if I wasn’t? Though, I should probably be upset that you would question that I can’t handle myself? You and your sons were the ones who insisted I be taught to keep all you men in line after all.”

Pietro’s expression is full of pride. “That I did. You must come home soon, Sofia. I miss seeing your pretty face around here. Perhaps now that you have spread your wings you will consider settling down? Your father tells me many men are lined up to meet you.”

Sofia smirks. “I’ll come home for a visit soon,” she promises him.

“Good.” He slips his gaze toward me. “That won’t be a problem for you, will it, Signore Armani?” It’s phrased as a question, but I know it’s an order.

“If it gets her out of my hair, I’ll send her to you tomorrow,” I reply drily.

Sofia snorts, and Pietro raises a brow. “He likes to think he is in charge, Pietro. And I take great pleasure in reminding him who actually runs this place.”

Pietro chuckles. “You are much like your mother,cara mia. She would be proud. As am I.” Sofia’s face softens and I can see the longing in her eyes at the mention of her family. I make a note to send her home as soon as she’s ready. There are days I want to murder her, but she has indeed kept my house running smoothly ever since she started here. “Now, we must get down to business,cara mia, so we’ll talk later,si?”
