Page 19 of Seduced Wolf

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"I don't want to hear it," I say, wanting to scream, but my pathetic voice trembles with emotion. “I trusted you both…”

I spin on my heel and storm out of the room.

I run.

And I keep running, uncaring of where I’m going. I couldn’t see, even if I wanted to. The tears streaming down my face are a waterfall, the ocean of pain inside me overflowing.

When all I want is for them to vanish.



Getting Holly’s number was as easy as getting Zayn to trace my call records.

She’s at the club, despite the early hour for her line of work.

Madame is still there, still looking as distasteful as she usually does. I remind myself there’s no longer any need for the deal that we struck. Aria’s mine, and I have no intention of making her come back here if I can help it.

And finding out how Holly’s connected to all of this is the next step in ensuring that.

“Ah, Mr. Chase.” The Madame greets with her oily voice. “I'm afraid the girl you seek hasn't graced our establishment in some time, especially after that incident a few days ago.”

I avoid a grimace while thinking about that encounter, waving her off. “No need to worry. I'm sure she's fine.” I should make sure to check if she’s seen my messages. “I’m after a friend of hers.”

I pull out Rykard’s picture of Holly and show it to her.

Madame eyes it with a certain curiosity that makes me suspect she has something to hide.

She nods her head. "She’s a regular,” she concedes. “But I haven't seen her recently.”

“I don’t have time for your games, woman,” I snarl. Every minute that we do this dance is another minute I’m not keeping Aria safe.

Madame sighs. “You know I can’t say more.” She leans forward, and I have to stop my lip from curling in disgust as her stale smell hits me. “Besides, you have your exclusive arrangement. Don't forget you paid for that privilege.”

"That arrangement served its purpose," I snap, hating that this disgusting creature has ever met Aria. The only thing stopping me from grabbing this woman’s flabby neck is the knowledge that Aria remains untouched because of that agreement. "I’m interested in this new girl. I can provide a generous advance if you cooperate."

I pull out another stack of cash. I had been planning on using it the day I had the encounter with the red-eyed man. But fate had other plans, and now I have a new use for it. Answers. While I fiddle around in my wallet, I decide to pocket some of it and only give this greedy bitch a portion. The bigger half can help Aria if Night Fang comes knocking. It might not set her brother free, but it’ll buy us enough time to act.

Madame takes the stack quickly with a visible smile on her face and shoves it in her gaping top. “She’s upstairs,” she says, dropping her voice. “Holly booked a room and has been waiting for a while.”

Having got what I need, I turn away and ascend the stairs. The first door is numbered 201, and I’m reminded of the gruesome scene from a previous bordello. I have to shake the sick, cold feeling that threads through my gut. Those people had been dead for days. And the bloodstains on the walls were just red paint.

I knock, then wait, unable to stop myself from checking my cell.

"She saw the message." My breath whooshes out. "Thank goodness she's safe."

I’m probably more worried about Aria than I’ve admitted to myself. Something is just not sitting right with today. I knock on the door before I fall too far down that black hole. The Big Bad Wolf is possessive just as much as he’s protective. I need to remember that.

I knock again, my patience wearing thin, but Holly opens the door a few inches and her head peeks out.

She scowls when she sees me. "What do you want?"

"Holly, we need to talk."

The scowl deepens. "Why?"

"You left things unfinished the last time we met."
