Page 36 of Seduced Wolf

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I pull back as I simultaneously fit myself to his hard planes. “I need to tell you some things.” It’s time to trust Chase. To tell him everything.

To believe that together, we’re stronger.

He gazes at me, a sureness, a calmness in his gaze I haven’t seen before. “I need to tell you some things, too.” He glances to the side. “But not here.”

I’m about to suggest we go to his place when there’s a sound at the end of the alley. Chase instinctively draws me close as he protects me with his body. Gripping his upper arms, I peek around the shield he’s determined to be, then gasp.

There’s a man standing at the end of the alleyway—a figure who seems like a specter from the past. Recognition dawns slowly.


The shock of his presence is overwhelming, and for a moment, time stands still.

My brother’s lips twitch. “Hey, Aria.”

A look of confusion crosses Chase’s face and I know this isn’t just a figment of my imagination. Chase can see him too; I’m not crazy.

For a few moments, I don't realize I'm moving. But when I come to, I'm already hugging Peter. Squeezing him as if he’ll disappear if my grip loosens even a bit. My chest is hurting, something warm is flowing down my cheeks. I can't hear much of anything, but I know I must not let go. Not again, never again.

“Are you okay?” Chase asks from not far behind me.

Peter pulls back, his eyes narrowing as he looks at Chase. “A cop? Seriously, Aria? You thought a cop would help?”

I step back, my lips settling into a thin line. “You don't get to judge after we just saved your life.” I cross my arms, now suddenly remembering how all this started. “Gambling, Peter? What is wrong with you?”

“If it’s any consolation, I didn’t mean for things to get this bad.” Peter rubs the back of his head sheepishly, even as he glances at Chase. “Although surely you didn’t need to involve him…”

As the realization that Peter’s life is no longer in danger sinks in, something else rises up. Anger. I sold my body for Peter. My virginity. If it wasn’t Chase who walked into the room at Club De Lune, I’d be in a very different place.

I put everything on the line for Peter.

A hand settles on my shoulder. “We need to get you to the hospital, Peter,” Chase says, not sounding in the least offended as he tugs me back to him. “To make sure you’re alright.”

Drawing in a calming breath, I settle into Chase’s side, noting the way Peter watches me. My brother opens his mouth as he narrows his eyes. Chase tenses and I lift my chin. If Peter wants to question my decisions, bring it on.

He doesn’t realize that when I decided to do whatever was necessary to save him, I met my mate. In fact, I’ve been to hell and back, but Chase was with me every step of the way. I’ve never been stronger.

Peter looks away as he crosses his arms. “For fuck’s sake, fine then.”

I don’t respond, vaguely aware that Chase pulls out his cell phone and calls for an ambulance. Shock has me rooted to the spot.

I yank my gaze away from Peter before it becomes obvious I was staring.

At the five intact fingers on his left hand.



Ican't help but be very, very skeptical at how easy it was to get Peter back. There was no fight, no struggle.

Bane wouldn’t miss a chance for pain and bloodshed…

But I keep that to myself as Peter’s taken to hospital, then book us into a hotel. Aria and I can't go back to my house or hers. I can’t believe this is over.

Bane wouldn’t miss a chance for pain and bloodshed.

Aria stands in the middle of the hotel room, her arms wrapped around her. "None," she whispers.
