Page 103 of Runaway Omega

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Lawrence had roses and other flowers. Everything beautiful. Nothing useful. But that’s Lawrence, I guess.

Nancy smiles. “If you wouldn’t mind. Just head out past the pool and turn left. It’s small, but you can’t miss it. And if you do, just sniff. The fresh mint will lead you right to it.”

Nodding, I hurry out, following Nancy’s instructions.

I’ve passed the pool and am heading down the garden when a redheaded woman in blue tumbles out of the wooded area and smacks face-first into the ground with a moan.

I don’t see her face, but that uniform? That light blue with the navy collar? And the shirt that will have a silver pin fastened to it, a symbol of the Wentworths.

I know all about that uniform.

The woman is pushing herself up with a groan when my brain wakes the fuck up and I whirl around, yelling for Rune, Cian, and Kylian. I don’t know what I’m expecting them to do, but it’s all I can think of.

That and run.

“Everleigh. Wait!” Footsteps pound behind me. I spin around to see when I’m suddenly no longer on solid ground. Or any ground.

I smash into the pool so hard I forget how to swim. Or breathe.

And then I’m drowning.

As I kick myself to the surface, I realize something important about the same time hands grip me and pull me right out of the pool.

A lot has happened in the time I fell into the pool, though it couldn’t have been more than a handful of seconds.

Hali is standing at the side of the house with her pale blue eyes wide with alarm. She’s gripping a handful of herbs that, if they weren’t bruised before, will be with the fist she’s made around them.

Rune, kneeling on the side of the pool, is the one who dragged me out. His wet arms attest to that fact. Cian is beside him, frowning down at me with green eyes creased with concern.

Now that I’m paying attention, I realize both are asking me if I’m okay.

But I’m not listening as I finish coughing to clear out the water from my burning lungs. My focus is on the other side of the pool.

On Kylian.

He has one hand wrapped around the red-haired woman’s throat with a look in his steel-gray eyes that promises death.

And he’s squeezing.


I surge to my feet, panic racing through my veins. “Don’t kill her!It’s Della. It’s my sister. Don’t kill her.”



Kylian isn’t doing a thing to hide his suspicions. Cian just looks blank-faced, so it’s hard to know what he thinks of Della’s sudden arrival. And Rune? I don’t think he’s blinked once as he leans on the wall beside the den’s closed door.

Rune was the one who suggested we should come to the den, asking Nancy and Hali to grab me a towel and a blanket so I wouldn’t freeze while we talked. He must have known I wasn’t going anywhere with Della here. Not even to run upstairs and spend two minutes changing out of my wet clothes.

Nancy got me a towel to wrap around myself and another for my hair. Hali came back with a blue comforter, saying, “I couldn’t find a blanket.”

That’s because every blanket in the house is in my closet, serving as the best nest I’ve ever had in my life.

When I turned to look at Rune, Cian, and Kylian to find out what their reaction was, they all had a pressing need to look elsewhere.

Nancy smothered a laugh and hurried Hali out of the room, closing the door behind her, saying we probably wanted to be alone to talk.
