Page 149 of Runaway Omega

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There has to be a way out of here.

I swing around, struggling to breathe as I fight with the door. There are no handles. It’s so smooth, my hands slip and slide over the cool polished steel. There is no escape through here.

“As you can see,” the announcer continues in a faintly amused tone, “Everleigh is an omega with spirit and fight.Passion. Can we see fifty thousand?

“Excellent, surely lovely Everleigh is worth more than a pittance. Look at her bone structure, her grace, her slender body, and her rare beauty. We don’t often see omegas like her come to auctions like this, as you gentlemen well know. Is there sixty thousand in the room?”

I’ve broken three nails when I quit clawing at the door. My desperation is only making me lightheaded. I stand still, tucking myself in the corner so they won’t see me and then maybe they won’t want me.

“No one?” the announcer pauses. “The lovely Everleigh is worth more than a paltry sixty thousand dollars. Let me show you how much more.”

Bright lights flare an inch from my face.

I stumble away from the metal door, stuffing my startled scream back inside through sheer force of will. When I see the polished metal door isn’t just a door but a screen, I clap my hand over my mouth. Not to contain a scream, but horror.

I watch as the screen reveals what happened minutes before. Me whirling away from four women in the bathroom who got me ready for this auction.

And I continue to watch a woman grab me by my arm and haul me toward a sunken bath.

Male voices rise behind me, some laughter, some groans, some identifiable sounds as the woman on the screen strips the clothes from my body.

They were recording me in the bathroom. They were recording me to show me off to these men and increase the bids on me.

I’m trembling, almost numb with shock as I watch the woman bathe me with brutal efficiency, and then she leads me out. Naked. All these men have seen me naked, seen parts of me I would never share with anyone. It’s not enough to buy me or to treat me as if I’m a thing to own. They have to record me too.

I feel sick to my stomach.

The voices in the room rise, and the announcer laughs. “Excellent. Can we see one hundred and twenty for the delectable Everleigh? Who would not want to help Everleigh through her heat?”

I stand there, struggling to breathe, trembling with shock, and wanting every alpha in this room dead, wiped out by the plague Resa wished for.

My knees are rocking so hard I can’t stand. The recording ends, and I sink to the floor as bile creeps up my throat. I retch, but nothing comes out. I wrap my arms around my legs, hugging myself as I fail to drown out the announcer with my internal screams.

“Is there no more interest in lovely Everleigh, a gently broken-in omega at the peak of her beauty?

“One forty. Excellent.”

The announcer says something else, but I’m shaking so hard, my teeth chattering so loud, I can barely make him out.

And then I hear it. Words that turn my heart to stone.

“Sold for one hundred and forty thousand dollars. Once you’ve paid, you can sample and collect your new purchase in suite fifteen. Congratulations, sir.”

I’m on the cold ground, trying not to cry when hands lift me and carry me out. My vision swims as my stomach roils. I’m so lightheaded nothing feels real.

Only one thing does.

An alpha bought me. Now, he gets to do whatever he wants to me.



The servant carrying me down the hallway doesn’t notice the tears sliding down my cheeks or my weak attempts to break out of his grip. Maybe he notices. He just doesn’t care.

He moves like he has one sole purpose. To deliver me from the stage to an open door another servant is standing beside.

Neither says a word or even acknowledges the other.
