Page 179 of Runaway Omega

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Her smile is bitter. “There is no doctor in this place I would ever want to talk to. I talked.Neverto them. Silence was the only way I could fight back. It was all I had left.”

I think of Lawrence and my tiny rebellions and I hug her. “I know. Come on, let’s get you out of here.”

Cian, Rune, and Kylian are waiting outside.

All are sitting and staring this way. When they see me, they leap to their feet as I’m still wiping my wet cheeks.

“Everleigh?” Rune frowns as he steps toward me.

“What is it? Did something go wrong?” Kylian approaches me as well.

“Here.” Cian fumbles with a packet of tissues he pulls from his pocket.

I understand why they would think something was wrong. My eyes are red. My face is blotchy from crying for so long and so hard. There’s no mirror I can use to confirm it, but I know I’m a mess.

I open my mouth, and the words don’t want to come out.

Swallowing hard, I try again, blinking more moisture from my eyes. “You have… You have no idea what this means to me.”

Cian crosses over to me, presses a tissue into my hand, and pulls me into his arms.

As I wrap my arms around him, I feel a kiss on the top of my head. It isn’t Cian. The apple pie and freshly baked bread scent tells me who it is. Rune.

And then a hand strokes down the length of my hair and Kylian presses a kiss on my bare shoulder.

We stand in a small huddle. It’s just us, for several seconds, before a man clears his throat.

“Mr. Fontenot?”

Rune kisses my hair again, and then we slowly unwind from each other. I’m preparing to tell Rune I want to get my mom out of here when Rune gives me a small smile and turns away.

“I want Olive Deane released from this place in the next ten minutes. If you’re keeping any of her belongings in a place that is not her room, I want it returned to her.Now.” This isn’t the Rune I’m used to. His voice is granite hard, it’s commanding, and it has the suited man with the nervous hands straightening.

“Unfortunately, Ms. Deane requires—”

“Locking up for another twenty-plus years?” Kylian’s voice is silky smooth as he stalks toward the suited man. “How about we lockyouup for the next twenty-plus years? Maybe we can talk about any other omegas you’ve been keeping here without their consent? Or our attorneys can?”

The man blanches.

Cian is urging me away when I hear a soft whimper and turn.

Mom is standing in the open doorway of her room, her eyes on me, and her terror a living, breathing thing. I don’t understand why until I realize she’s not so much focused on me as she is on Cian’s arm around me.

“Everleigh,” she whispers, frantically gesturing me toward her, “come here.”

“It’s okay. They won’t hurt me,” I assure her, smiling. “This is Cian, Rune, and Kylian. They found you.”

Her hazel-green eyes flash from Cian to Rune, who are still beside me, Kylian having walked the suited man somewhere else. “Please don’t lock my daughter in here. Please let her be free.”

She thinks they’re going to do the same thing to me that Sloane did to her.

“Everleigh?” Rune says quietly.

I turn to find he’s retreated from me. Has he noticed my mom’s growing terror? He must have for him to say, “How about you help your mom pack what she wants to take with her and we’ll deal with the paperwork?”

I nod, relieved. “Are you sure they’ll let her go?”

Because if they won’t, I’m fully prepared to break every window in this place to get her out.
