Page 79 of Runaway Omega

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I don’t trust that innocent blink for a second.

“It is,” I tell him. “And a slow foxtrot is so advanced it took me weeks to learn the steps. No beginner could do it.”

It took Lawrence years because he’s not a patient person.

“Weeks?” Cian keeps dancing steps he should not know.

Of daily lessons until I could waltz, foxtrot, and slow dance in my sleep.

“Weeks,” I confirm. “Yet you’re dancing without any instruction. You lied to me.”

I lean away from him, and he stops before gently setting me back on my feet, though he doesn’t take his hands off me.

“About dancing,” he quietly confirms.

I ask myself why I’m waiting for an explanation as I desperately hope there won’t be more lies and betrayals yet to be discovered. “Why?”

“I didn’t want you to be afraid of me.” There’s no missing the truth reflected back at me. “I’m sorry.”

“I don’t… Wait,what?”

Apparently, a genuine apology from an alpha is enough to make a girl nearly choke to death because air goes down the wrong way and I have a coughing fit.

My face is hot and my chest burns as I cough for a solid thirty seconds while Cian gives my back a series of soft thumps and then rubs until I’ve recovered. “Do you need water?”

Eventually, I blink the moisture from my eyes as I shake my head at his offer of water. “You said sorry.”

“I did.”

“And you meant it.” I’m still struggling to believe it.

He cocks his head and his brow wrinkles in confusion. “I assume there’s some context I’m missing.”

“I didn’t think alphas knew how to apologize,” I explain.

Sudden understanding smooths the lines on his brow. “Lawrence?”

I nod. “And his friends.”

He cradles my jaw and sighs. “We haven’t given you much of a reason to think the best of us, have we?”

I arch a brow. “We?”

“Alphas. You’ve seen all of our bad sides and none of the good.”

“You say that like thereisa good side.”

Shit. I hadn’t meant to say that out loud.

I brace myself for his response. I’d huddle into myself the way I have when I’d accidentally said something I shouldn’t have to Lawrence. With Cian’s hand cradling my jaw, there’s no retreating from him.

Cian surprises me by smiling apologetically before he gathers me in his arms and drops a kiss on top of my head. “You might be right about that.”

It feels like the most natural thing in the world to wrap my arms around his hips and rest my cheek on his chest. “I don’t like being lied to.”

He squeezes me, then releases me far sooner than I would like. “Then I will endeavor to be the alpha you deserve.”

“What kind of alpha do I deserve?” I peer up at him, curious.
