Page 86 of Runaway Omega

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I mentally curse myself. How the fuck could I forget I could soothe her the same way, like any alpha can soothe an omega?

I’m still mentally flailing myself when Rune grips my shoulder and squeezes. I meet his eye, and he subtly shakes his head as if telling me to stop beating myself up.

Nodding to show I understand, I focus on what matters. Everleigh. I can beat myself up all I want when Cian is back with suppressants.

I press my head on the back of her shoulder, squeeze my eyes shut, and wrap my arm around her stomach, adding my purring to Rune’s.

Everleigh sighs in contentment, wiggling as if to get more comfortable.

I lose track of time as Rune and I hold Everleigh between us, both purring and purring as she sighs and relaxes against us.

Her lush, sweet scent is still thick in the air, but it’s not as potent as it was before. The purring is slowly easing her down. It won’t silence her body’s need for an alpha’s knot forever. Once we stop…

We’ll all be back in the same battle against our instincts.

When a hand grips my shoulder, I assume it’s Rune again. Peeling my eyes open, they clash with Cian, who’s frowning as he stands beside the bed. He’s holding half a glass of water in one hand and cupping something in his other.

Suppressants, I hope.

I lift my brow in question but don’t stop purring. I’m still hard, I have Everleigh’s body flush against mine, and her heat hasn’t gone away. It’s just… quiet for the moment. Purring can take the edge off an omega’s heat. For a time. Not forever, but for a time. For it to be working at all means this isn’t Everleigh’s true heat yet. But it’s close. Days rather than the weeks away she told us.

Now that he’s back, I let myself relax, which is when I realize he isn’t only looking disturbed. But troubled.

Enough for me to let go of Everleigh, stop purring, and sit up. “What is it? Did someone see you?”

Everleigh whimpers and burrows against Rune’s chest. Giving her a rapid glance, I hold my hand out to Cian for the water and suppressants.

“Nothing like that.” Cian passes me both and immediately backs up. “I saw something that didn’t make sense. I need to go find out what it was. If you need me, call me.”

And then he’s gone.

I stare after him, frowning. Everleigh whimpers again, and I dump the small white pills in a glass dish on the bedside table, keeping hold of two.

Together, Rune and I help sit her up. Only then does he stop purring.

“Everleigh, we have suppressants.” I hold the pills out to her.

She shakes her head. “I don’t want them. I want—”

“Sex with alphas you don’t trust?” I interrupt.

She blinks at me, her pupils nearly drowning out all the green in her eyes. I see the battle in her, the struggle to focus when her body wants what it wants, but her mind wants something else.

When she takes the pills and water from me, it’s like a punch to the throat, a reminder she doesn’t trust alphas and she doesn’t trust us.

I try to shake the feeling off as she swallows the pills and returns the glass.

I’m not successful, but I try.

Rune draws her back into his arms, and they resettle on the bed as he returns to purring until the suppressants have kicked in.

We don’t have a lot of time. Hopefully, it’s enough to figure out what we’re going to do. Everleigh can either stay and ride out her heat with us, or leave and hit up a free heat clinic like unbonded omegas in the city do.

An omega in full heat can only be soothed by an alpha’s knot. And if she doesn’t want an alpha’s knot, then a heat clinic is the only other option to seek relief. Soon, Everleigh is going to have to make a choice about what she wants to do.

My eyes return to the pills I left in a small dish on the bedside table.

There’s not nearly enough here. For three, maybe four days. To keep going out to get more is dangerous. All it would take is one person to see or hear about us getting black market suppressants and for that bit of information to work its way to Lawrence.
