Page 28 of Vicious in the Dark

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“You can have your own room at my house. Let’s get moving.” Maddox clapped his hands to spur me into action.

I gaped at him, torn between punching his smug face or kicking him in the crotch. Uneasy with him standing near the desk, I shook my head and waved a hand at the door. “I’m not going anywhere with you. Get out and save us both the fight. We can both exist in this city without being in each other’s lives.”

“Not if you’re dead because you pissed off a syndicate in another city,” Maddox countered, his jaw twitching in anger. “If they kill you, there will be a war like no other. Because I won’t rest until their entire operation is in ashes. I don’t really have the room to squeeze that into my current schedule. It would make my life a lot easier if you’d just do as you’re told and pack your things.”

Maddox was close enough to trap me against the desk without being close enough to touch. Just barely. My temper boiled over, and my fist flexed. “Do as I’m told? You do remember who you’re talking to, don’t you?”

My fist was in motion, moving fast toward his face. Maddox brought an arm up to deflect the punch a mere second before it landed, as I’d anticipated. The smooth buttery sound of his laugh messed with my head and stomped on my heart.

“Oh, indeed I do.” Catching hold of my wrist, Maddox jerked me against him, forcing me to peer up into his devastatingly blue eyes. “I also remember how to light that fire inside you. Hit me if it makes you feel better. Hell, stick your knife in my side. But you will leave here with me, Maven.”

My fingers twitched as I thought about going for the knife. No, he was expecting that. “No, I fucking won’t. I’m perfectly fine here, and I can defend myself. I’m not yours to protect anymore.”

“We can argue about that at my place. Is this all of your stuff?” He jerked his head toward the air mattress and the clothing strewn about on the floor beside it.

“It doesn’t matter. I’m not leaving. Maddox, you need to go now.” Being pressed against him made my words lack conviction. All I could think about was pressing my lips to the flames licking up the side of his neck.

“Not without you.” A chime went off on his phone, drawing his attention. He tugged it from a pocket and checked a message, frowning as he tucked it away. “Fuck. I’ve got to make tracks, Vixen. You got lucky this time.”

Maddox started to pull away, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Then he shocked me by grabbing me around the waist and lifting me onto the desk. Spreading my legs apart, he stepped in between them, a sultry smirk curving his lips.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I gasped, bracing myself with a hand on his chest. The other strayed to the knife on my thigh, touching it for comfort.

He covered my knife hand with his, dragging his fingers over mine before dipping down toward the inside of my thigh. My breath hitched as he teased his way toward my pussy. This man had all kinds of friggin’ audacity.

Maddox leaned in to murmur next to my ear. “Getting started with some of that punishment I promised you.”

He paused long enough for that to sink in before gliding his fingers over my center, teasing me through my thin lounge pants. I’d dressed for a relaxing night watching TV with Rumer, not a visit from Maddox. Not that he cared. When I didn’t stop him or shout in his face, he brazenly slid his hand inside my pants.

Why wasn’t I stopping him? I should be smashing his nose right now. All I could do was melt as he tugged my panties aside and glided a finger over me. I was a traitor to myself.

In mere seconds he’d shattered the walls I’d built between us over the course of seven long years. With one bold move. And I let him. Try as I might to muster the strength to shove him away, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I’d missed him. Not that I’d ever say so.

Maddox didn’t mess around with a slow, sweet buildup. He plunged a finger into the sudden flood of wetness between my legs, eliciting a gasp from me that only encouraged him. Holding my gaze, Maddox circled my clit, loving what he saw on my face.

“What’s wrong, Vixen? Got nothing to say now? That’s a shame. I love it when you tell me off.” Leaning in to press his lips to the side of my neck, he whispered, “I still remember how to touch you.”

This was some kind of psychological warfare. It had to be. Maddox knew exactly what he was doing.

Two fingers slid inside me, and I sucked in a breath, holding it in an effort not to moan. I didn’t want to give him that satisfaction. And yet, I still didn’t stop him either. When his thumb found my clit, I writhed on his hand, chasing the promise of pleasure. So close. So very close.

And then he stopped. Maddox tugged his hand from my pants and stepped back, sucking his fingertips into his mouth. What the fuck?

Confused and annoyed, I stared at him in a daze. “Are you kidding me right now?”

“Not at all. I’ve got to take off, but that should give you something to think about for the rest of the night. There’s a room for you at my house. I’ll be back for you. Try to stay out of trouble.” Maddox flashed me a vicious grin and strode for the door without a glance back.

I gaped after him, angry and not all that surprised he pulled such a stunt. I fumbled with my knife, thinking I’d throw it at his retreating form. Too late. He disappeared around the corner. A moment later the sound of the apartment door opening and closing followed.

Fury engulfed me. But this time I was mad at myself.



“Get dressed. Let’s go out. Take me to this biker bar you love so much.” I braced myself for the expected look of suspicion.

Rumer paused with a cheese puff halfway to her mouth, shoving up into a sitting position on the couch. “Are you serious? What happened with Maddox?”
