Page 30 of Vicious in the Dark

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Growing bolder, Cade held me with both hands, grinding his erection against my ass as he kissed the back of my shoulder. When I didn’t object, he pulled my hair aside, kissing his way to my neck.

I was torn. Part of me wanted to see this through, to take this guy out back and let him rail me against the side of the building. The rest of me had little interest in making it happen. I’d learned a long time ago that spreading my legs for another man did nothing to chase Maddox Hale from my thoughts. When I first left town, I tried everything to leave his memory behind. Already he’d worked his way back under my skin.

Or maybe I’d never really purged him in the first place.

Cade slid an arm around my waist, making sure I felt every thick inch he pressed against me. He’d have to make some other lady happy tonight. It wouldn’t be me.

I turned around to tell Cade that I needed to check in with my sister. My mouth dropped open when I caught sight of Ace striding toward us. Words failed me. Cade made the mistake of going in for a kiss right then. I jerked back, narrowly avoiding his lips.

“Hey there, Bright Eyes. What are you doing in a shithole like this when you could be drinking for free at Shifty’s?” Ace pulled me into a hug, effectively moving me out of Cade’s reach.

“I came with Rumer. She likes it here, for some reason.” Returning his hug, I swallowed hard as his faint lemon and sandalwood scent brought on a wave of nostalgia.

Turning his attention to Cade, Ace said, “Sorry to interrupt. I’m going to steal my girl back if you don’t mind.”

Cade glanced between Ace and me. I shrugged and finished my drink. “Thanks for the dance, Cade. Have a good night.”

Because I wasn’t keen on being part of a biker bar fight, I steered Ace off the dance floor, leaving Cade behind. He stared after me for a moment before moving on to a woman dancing alone. I cursed Ace’s timing.

“I didn’t need you to save me from that guy,” I said, depositing my empty glass on a random table. “Also, I’ve had enough possessive bullshit for one night. Do I really have to get it from you too?”

Ace held up both hands. “I come in peace. You had that look on your face, the one you get when you’re thinking about clocking a guy. I thought you’d appreciate the interruption. I’m sorry if I read that wrong.”

“Yeah right.” I rolled my eyes, not buying his excuse. “What are you doing here anyway, Ace?”

“Who else is giving you possessive bullshit?” he countered, answering my question with one of his own. “Must be Maddox.”

We stepped out of the traffic flow of bodies, finding a calm spot to talk near the entry. I nodded, glancing around for my sister. I found her crowded around a booth with her creepy dude and several other people doing shots. My brow furrowed as I watched her do shot for shot with an older biker at the table.

“Who else? He came by Rumer’s apartment earlier tonight. It didn’t go well.” I leaned against the wall, crossing my arms. Fixing Ace with a fierce stare, I tilted my head to one side, studying him closely. “Why are you here, Ace? Don’t dodge my question. I find it hard to believe you hang out in a place like this.”

Ace held my gaze, unflinching. “You know why.”

Of course he knew. They all knew that I’d come home with trouble hot on my heels. Whether my parents told him or he found out some other way, it didn’t matter. He would have found out eventually. What a fool I’d been to think I could come back to River City and live my life without them.

“Are you watching me? Please tell me that I don’t have to kick your ass.” I offered him a smile so he’d know I was half joking. Softer, I added, “I can take care of myself, Ace.”

He reached to touch the bruise on my cheek from the punch I’d taken. “I believe that, Mave. I do. But I’m not taking any chances where you’re concerned. I already lost you once.”

A pang of emotion stabbed me in the heart. The night the Archer Syndicate grabbed me hadn’t only hurt me. Pain filled Ace’s blue eyes, chasing away his usual playful glint.

“I know. I get it. This is hard for all of us. Maybe I shouldn’t have come back.” That last part should have gone unsaid. I winced, wishing I’d kept my mouth shut.

“Of course you should have,” Ace insisted. “You belong here. I wish you’d never left, but I understand why you did. I won’t let anyone hurt you again, Maven. That includes Maddox.”

For a moment I saw a flicker of the Ace I remembered. The easygoing guy with the patience of a saint. Until someone threatened those he loved. Then he came out swinging, ready to go to battle.

“Don’t worry about Maddox. I can handle him.” Taking Ace’s hand, I threaded my fingers through his. A flurry of memories bombarded me, like the first time we held hands as teens. Ace had been so nervous when he slyly slid his hand in mine during a movie. “I’m far more concerned with the Crimson Thorns. I don’t want them to hurt my family.”

“They won’t,” he promised, giving my hand a comforting squeeze. “They’d never win the war that would follow. Wolfe and I won’t let anything happen to you. And I’m sure Maddox and Ruthless are on it too.”

I sighed, the sound swallowed up by the music and voices. “If Maddox has his way, I’ll be locked up in his house like a princess trapped in a tower in no time.”

“Yeah, he said something about that the last time I saw him. He and Wolfe took a swing at each other a few days ago.” At my shocked expression Ace hurried to add, “It’s cool. They’re both fine, just a little hot under the collar.”

Gnawing my lip, I toyed with a question I both did and didn’t want to ask. Finally I blurted, “How bad has it been between them? Really.”

“Do you really want to know?” Ace waited for my nod. Then he stared across the room, absently watching the bartender mix drinks. “Bad. Really fucking bad. Before you left town, I’d never have believed Wolfe and Maddox would turn on each other. Don’t get me wrong. They haven’t tried to kill one another, but the version of them we used to know is long gone.”
