Page 32 of Vicious in the Dark

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“What makes Archer so sure I can get it back? I’m not part of the Hale Syndicate anymore.” I gritted my teeth against the urge to kick him in the balls. Getting him to leave without an exchange of violence would be safer than taking him on in a towel.

Buzz Cut shoved me into the locker, bouncing me off the metal door. “That ink says otherwise. Don’t try to bullshit me. Archer is pissed. He wants his shit back, or he’ll take you in its place. Got it?”

I tried to keep my cool, really I did. I’d been in survival mode for too long. My fist shot out, and I nailed him in the throat. He coughed and grabbed for his neck. I lashed out with a kick, going for his crotch. He saw it coming and grabbed my ankle, jerking me off my feet. I hit the tiled floor with a grunt, fumbling to keep my towel in place while protecting my head.

Still holding tight to my ankle, Buzz Cut twisted it until I shrieked. Then he leaned down and clamped a hand over my mouth. “Still got that fighting spirit, huh? The boss will be happy to hear it. But just in case you need a reminder…”

His fist crashed into my face twice. I tasted blood on the second blow. I braced for a third but he backed off, disappearing from the locker room. I scrambled to my feet, towel falling to hang loose in one hand. I secured it before the woman exiting the shower caught a glimpse of my naked ass.

I went through the motions of showering, watching the water spiral down the drain while waiting for the adrenaline to subside. Archer already knew that I was home. That didn’t take long.

A cut lip seemed to be the worst of my injuries. I scowled at my reflection while brushing my hair. Donovan Archer would always see me as a prop to use against Maddox and the others. Archer needed to die. His empire needed to crumble. Leaving had given him the advantage when it drove the Hales apart. But I wasn’t going anywhere this time.

Wary of both the Archer goons and the Crimson Thorns from Castle Grove, I left the gym looking over my shoulder. I hurried to my car and checked the backseat before getting in and locking the doors. A sigh shook me as my head fell back against the seat.

Home sweet fucking home.



I drove around for an hour to make sure I didn’t have a tail before heading back to Rumer’s apartment. Seconds after I pulled into a guest parking spot, a blacked out Escalade slid to a stop behind me. My heart leapt into my throat until I caught sight of Ruthless behind the wheel.

Grabbing my bag off the passenger seat, I slung the strap over a shoulder and got out of the car. Maddox shoved open the Escalade’s passenger door and hopped out. I eyed him suspiciously, noting the tension in his shoulders and the tight press of his lips as he thundered toward me.

“Maddox, what the hell are you do—”

Maddox caught me around the waist and lifted me off my feet. “I told you that I’d be back. You may not come willingly, Vixen, but you will come.”

He dragged me toward the vehicle where Ruthless waited with the back door open. I was struck with horror at their intentions. Refusing to go without a hell of a fight, I kicked and flailed, clawing at Maddox’s hands. He cursed but held tight.

“Maddox, please,” I shouted, twisting in his arms. “You can’t lock me away. That’s fucking insane, even for you.”

Try as I might to dislodge him, Mads easily overpowered me. My blades were in my bag, once again leaving me without a weapon. What a damn foolish mistake to make twice. I knew better than that.

Maddox shoved me face down on the backseat, using one hand to hold me while he frisked me with the other. “I disagree. Think I don’t know you were jumped at the gym? I have eyes everywhere, Maven. I need to know you’re safe. I can’t do that if you’re anywhere other than with me.”

“How do you know about the gym? Do you have someone watching me?” I twisted in an effort to fire a glare his way and found my face pressed into the leather seat.

A hand glided down my sides, over my ribs. My voice cracked on a ragged breath as Maddox helped himself to a handful of my inner thigh. For so long I’d done my best to keep from remembering his hands on me. I bit my cut lip, stifling a groan.

“Of course I do. No blades? Vixen, you’re killing me here. It’s almost like you want trouble to find you.” Once Maddox was satisfied that I wouldn’t stab him, he shoved me into the vehicle and climbed in after me.

I lunged for the opposite door, hoping to get out and run before Ruthless got back in the driver’s seat. Expecting such an attempt, Maddox grabbed my arm, jerking me against him. Ruthless put the car in drive, and I watched helplessly as Rumer’s building became a speck in the distance.

“What the fuck is your problem, Maddox?” Since I couldn’t escape him, I settled for pounding my fists on his arm and chest. “I’m not yours anymore. You have no right to make decisions for me. Take me back to Rumer’s.”

I went for a throat punch, but Maddox wasn’t easily caught off guard. He caught my fist, chuckling as he avoided the blow. “Fuck no. I’m not letting you out of my sight. Stop fighting and accept it. This is the only way to keep you safe.”

“You didn’t care this much about my safety the night of your father’s funeral,” I hissed, hurling the past in his face like a weapon. Anger made my face flaming hot.

Jaw clenched, Maddox caught my wrists in a binding grip, dragging me closer. Our faces mere inches apart, he snarled, “A mistake I don’t intend to make twice.”

We glared daggers into each other. Maddox raised a brow, coolly appraising me, trying to anticipate my next move. As we drew closer to the Hale house, nerves took hold. It had been years since I’d stepped foot in that house. I wasn’t sure I’d ever be ready to go back there, to face the memories I’d left behind.

I gave up the fight, sagging against the seat in defeat. Maddox wasn’t dumb enough to release my wrists. Damn him. Despite the passing of time, he still knew me. Refusing to let those wicked blue eyes enchant me, I tore my gaze away and stared out the window. He’d have to let go of me eventually.

Apparently, Maddox was willing to put that to the test. As we drew closer to his house, his grip on my wrists tightened almost painfully.
