Page 44 of Vicious in the Dark

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That’s all Maddox needed to hear. A primal darkness took over as he grabbed a handful of my hair and jerked my head back, exposing my throat. He leaned in close, sinking teeth into my neck. Not hard enough to break skin though certainly enough to bruise, his aggressive assault shot off fireworks between my legs.

One hand closed over my breast, pinching my nipple as Maddox roughly took my body and made it his. My arms went around him, fingernails pressing tight into his back as he moved atop me. Gently he ran his tongue over the place where he bit me, soothing the ache before moving to my collarbone and biting me again.

Every few thrusts Maddox angled his hips so his groin rubbed against my clit. Our eyes locked, and suddenly nothing else mattered but the here and now. I knew the magic would end when the sex did, so I clung to him for dear life. My fingernails cut into his back, gouging several long deep scratches.

Maddox took my lips in a bruising kiss. I reached to touch his face, darting my tongue into his mouth. His hips moved furiously between my legs as he frantically tried to make up for lost time.

He hugged me close, pressing his chest to mine as he held me. Beneath my sternum I felt a pang of sorrow and loss. We were supposed to be the king and queen of the city, he and I. Now we were facing trouble from two different syndicates. And we were no longer a team.

Maddox kissed the side of my face and sat up. He gazed down at me for several long, tense moments before pulling out. Rolling me over, he slapped my ass and gruffly said, “On your knees, Mave.”

Eager to have him back inside me, I obeyed, getting onto my hands and knees. Maddox grabbed my ass cheeks, spreading me open as he leaned down to run his tongue over my slit. Giving me another stinging but delicious slap on the ass, he rose up behind me on his knees and slid a hand up my back into my hair. Fisting a handful, he used it to force my head down, pressing my face against the bed. Then he slammed inside me hard enough to wrench a cry from me.

I turned my head to the side, clutching two handfuls of the blanket as I braced myself for more. For several exquisite minutes Maddox buried himself in my body, driving us both fucking crazy.

Using his grasp on my hair, he pulled me up into a sitting position in his lap. One arm snaked around my waist, holding me tight against him. His hand dipped down between my thighs. Getting a finger good and wet, Maddox rubbed my clit in time with his thrusts. I gripped his arm to steady myself as I thundered toward orgasm.

Pressing his mouth against the back of my neck, Maddox kissed the ticklish spot that made me twitch. “Come on my cock, Vixen. Let me feel how much you love having me inside you again.”

His moan next to my ear pushed me over the edge. I rewarded him with the orgasm he sought, twitching on his shaft. When my inner spasms subsided, Maddox pushed me forward onto my hands and knees. Withdrawing from my body, he pulled off the condom, releasing on my lower back and ass. He rubbed the head of his dick against my ass cheek and gave it an appreciative squeeze before leaving me there on all fours.

I trembled in the absence of his heat. Or maybe that was the sudden shock of realizing that I’d done exactly what I told myself I wouldn’t do. And there was no taking it back. Everything was already so damn complicated. Fucking Maddox before we’d dealt with our issues from the past was unlikely to help.

Maddox returned with a warm, wet towel. He sauntered up to the bed with a swagger, pleased with himself. With firm motions he cleaned the spunk off me. His touch was gentler now. Affectionate. Confusion settled in to chase away the afterglow. Where did we go from here?

“Thanks,” I said when he’d finished, turning over to plop down and lay on my side.

“For wiping my jizz off your ass? Or for making you remember what you left behind?” Maddox’s cheeky grin didn’t reach his eyes. This was difficult for him too. I wanted that to make me feel better, but it somehow made me feel worse.

“I never forgot. This isn’t exactly easy for me either, Mads. I don’t want it to be harder than it has to be.” Dropping my gaze, I fidgeted with the blanket, twisting it in my fingers.

“Yeah, I get that.” He nodded, sitting on the edge of the bed. “For what it’s worth, I meant it when I said that I was sorry.”

Simple words that were powerless to change anything. They meant something though. Maddox wasn’t big on apologies. His words were always fueled by truth.

Sensing a but coming, I narrowed my eyes and sat up. “I appreciate that. But?”

Maddox reached to wrap a hand around my ankle, shackling it with his fingers. “But I’m not letting you go, and I still owe you punishment. It’s syndicate rules. You know that.”

My temper flared in response to his words. With my other foot, I kicked his hand away and rolled off the bed. “You can eat a bag of dicks. I didn’t run out on the syndicate. I ran out on you. Suck it up, and deal with it.”

I hurriedly gathered my clothing, donning my bra and panties before storming for the door. Maddox’s next words stopped me in the threshold.

“Work for me,” he said, making it a demand rather than a request. “Help me take this city from Donovan Archer.”

I turned around to face him, my expression one of absolute astonishment. “You’re going to punish me by forcing me to work for you and refusing to let me leave? That’s a hard no. I’m done repeating myself about this shit, but I am not staying here a minute longer than I have to.”

“Don’t you want revenge on Archer?” Maddox plucked his boxers off the floor and stepped into them. “I’d think you’d love an opportunity to bring him down.”

“Don’t do that, Mads. Don’t try to manipulate the situation in your favor. This is me, remember? I know you.” Clutching my shirt and pants to my chest, I shook my head, my gaze straying to the photo of us on the desk. “Anything I do will be my own choice. That’s all there is to it. Before you try to punish me for leaving, remember that you know me too, and I’m not the person you want to fuck with.”

Maddox held my gaze for several long, agonizing moments before saying, “I picked up your things from Rumer’s apartment. Everything but the cat. Rumer refused to let me take it. She said she thought she should keep it until you found your own place. I figured you could make the final call.”

I absorbed this information, careful to steel my face into an unreadable mask. Why was this man so friggin’ hardheaded? The two of us had locked horns many times in the past. Usually it was stupid arguments over how to run a job or what kind of pizza to order. It always ended with us fucking each other senseless.

Things were different now. We were both carrying emotional grudges. If we were ever going to move past this, something had to give.

“That’s fine.” Whirling on a heel, I left Maddox’s bedroom muttering, “Speaking of my own place, I have some calls to make.”
