Page 66 of Vicious in the Dark

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His expression softened the slightest bit. With a sharp nod, he turned and strode for the front door. “It’s cool. I just want this over with. The Thorns are an unnecessary distraction. Our focus needs to be on Archer.”

The drive to the warehouse bar was spent in silence, which was fine with me. I didn’t want to push Ruthless too hard. His advice about the Hales also applied to him and me. I couldn’t force Ruthless to have a friendship with me again, or anything else for that matter. It would have to happen naturally or not at all.

“Still sure about this?” he asked when we parked outside the bar.

“Definitely. Kind of looking forward to it. Those bastards will be sorry they followed me home.” The thrill of action and danger lived in me. I was almost out of the Escalade when Ruthless stopped me with a hand on my arm.

He passed me a small tracking device, similar to the one found on Wolfe’s car. “Put this somewhere that nobody will find it. I’ll tail them when they take you, but if I lose them, this will help me find you.”

It touched me that he’d had my safety in mind. Cold and grumpy, but he still cared. I accepted the tracker and hid it in my bra. If anyone tried to get too handsy, I’d start slashing.

“Thanks. I appreciate this. I guess I’ll see you on the other side.” I leaned across the console and kissed his cheek before getting out of the vehicle.

Ruthless’s gaze followed me inside the rowdy club. I didn’t know if he planned to come inside or watch the exits from the car. Whatever he did, I trusted him. He’d willingly taken a beating for me back when we were still teens. I’d never forgotten that. I didn’t plan to let that happen this time. I came prepared for a fight.

I strode past the bikers gathered outside in groups, smoking and talking at top volume. A few of them catcalled me and whistled. I ignored them and continued inside. I wondered how long it would be before Maddox returned and figured out where we’d gone. If he rampaged in here and blew this for me, I’d start handing out some punishment of my own.

Ordering a drink at the bar gave me a few minutes to scope out the place. It was loaded with bikers, as it had been during my last visit. They dominated the patronage for sure, but there were plenty of people without a patch as well. With a scotch on the rocks in hand, I slowly wandered around the large building, eyeing up every man without a patch.

“Hey, baby. Are you looking for some company?” A scruffy older man seated alone at a nearby table waved me over.

“Not particularly,” I answered honestly, continuing right past him. Whatever he said next was lost in the mix of voices and music.

I was on the prowl tonight, seeking the men who’d chased me back to River City. I was home now, and I was done running. Two more men tried to get me to dance with them, moving on to a blonde with a giant rack when I turned them down. I made sure to flash my Hale Syndicate ink, a warning to some and an invitation to others. Where were the Crimson Thorns?

When almost an hour had passed, I wondered if maybe this was the wrong place to lure them. Maybe one of the strip clubs or casinos would have been a better choice.

No sooner had the thought crossed my mind than a man behind me said, “I’ve been looking all over for you.”

I turned to find a man with a flaming rose tattooed on the side of his neck standing there staring at me with an evil sparkle in his dark eyes. He was dressed casual in blue jeans and a white tee. I recognized him from the bathroom stall at the party back in Castle Grove.

Spreading my hands wide, I said, “You found me.”

He snapped his fingers, and four more men joined us, swarming me from every side. I did my best to act surprised instead of relieved. For a minute there I thought they were going to make me work for it.

“We’ve been digging up dirt on you,” the first man continued. “People say you ran from the Hales after Archer did a number on you. Tough luck. I’m not sure if we should give you to the Hales or to Archer. For a price of course.”

I shrugged and sipped my drink, remaining nonchalant. “I guess that depends on what you hope to get for me. Archer won’t give you shit. The Hales may be open to bargaining, but they don’t play nice. Of course, both groups may simply kill you for trespassing in their city.”

My bathroom buddy frowned. He didn’t seem to know what to make of my disaffected attitude. Had he expected me to cower?

“Just grab her, Charlie,” another guy hissed, glancing about like he expected trouble. “We’ll figure the rest out later.”

Charlie slid the guy a sidelong glance, weighing his options. Then he grabbed my arm and roughly pulled me along beside him. “We’re all going to walk out of here nice and calm. Try anything and Pete is going to put a bullet in your spine.”

Right on cue Pete slid his gun from inside his jacket, letting me see it before tucking it away. He couldn’t draw the weapon in here without having every person present react. They didn’t want to make a scene, which was fine with me. I preferred to leave without a scene as well.

I let them usher me out, finishing my drink and depositing the glass on a table as we passed. Nobody looked twice at the small group of men surrounding me. Gritting my teeth, I swallowed the rage that grew as they manhandled me into a white SUV in the parking lot. I snuck a glance down the street to where Ruthless waited in a blacked-out Escalade. No matter how bitter he was toward me now, he’d never let the Thorns take off with me. Would he?

I hated the doubt that suddenly plagued me. It was too late for that now. As Charlie and Pete muscled me into the backseat, I clung to the trust I had in Ruthless. I had no choice.

Once we were inside the vehicle, Pete withdrew his gun and jabbed it in my side. “Keep your hands where I can see them.”

As expected, Charlie began to pat me down. I held my breath, hoping he’d be dumb enough to miss all three of my blades. He checked my pockets, swiping my phone before running a hand down my leg. Right away he located the knives in each boot. Shit.

“You don’t leave home unprepared, huh?” Charlie remarked, studying the blade Wolfe gave me before tucking it into his jacket. “Nice piece. Maybe I’ll keep this one for myself.”

Over my dead body, bitch. I tensed as he ran a hand along my torso, up around my bra. To my surprise he kept it professional and didn’t help himself to a grope. I’d have broken his fingers whether there was a gun in my ribs or not. Lady Luck smiled on me when Charlie missed both the tracking device in my bra and the small blade in my hair.
