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Graham’s arrival kept me from responding. I almost choked on the need to tell my sister to go fuck herself. We were tight, but I’d still tell her off when a good telling off was due. Unfortunately, she wasn’t wrong about Maddox.

“Hey, mind if we hang out?” Without waiting for a reply, Graham plopped down next to my sister on the edge of the pool. He kicked his shoes off and stuck his bare feet into the water.

His friend made the terrible decision to sit next to me. I barely gave him a passing glance as I looked past him to where Maddox stood inside the house. Any moment now he’d notice these two interlopers and come chase them off. I hoped to chase them off myself first. When Mads pulled shit like that, we always argued. I didn’t need him pissing a circle around me. I could handle a couple of bozos by myself.

“I like your bikini,” Graham continued, doing his best not to stare at Rumer’s tits. “That’s a nice color.”

Listening to his efforts to start some kind of conversation with her was painful. I needed to remove myself from this situation but didn’t want to abandon her to these idiots. Be nice? How could anyone be nice under these circumstances?

Rumer and I shared many similarities, such as the nose we’d both inherited from our mother and our desire to protect those we loved. We also had a thing for recycling and doing our part to save the planet. However, we were polar opposites in many ways too. She always did her best to be polite and keep the peace, even when she shouldn’t. And she had shit taste in guys, although she’d say the same about me if asked.

“Maven, right?” asked the guy next to me. “I’m Zach. I think we had biology together last year.”

Letting my hair fall like a black curtain to hide my bruised cheek, I stifled a groan. I’m sure he was a nice guy, or maybe not, I simply had no interest in finding out. The four guys inside the house were already more than I could keep up with.

Not that I was dating all of them, or any of them for that matter. Not officially anyway. It was more of an unspoken agreement that they were mine, and I was theirs. Since my father brought me to dinner at the Hale house when I was fourteen, we’d been tight. Inseparable.

The Hale brothers, Wolfe and Maddox, had quickly claimed me as theirs to protect while we grew up too fast in a world our parents had brought us into. My dad worked for their dad. If the Hale Syndicate had been the Mafia, my dad would be the captain with Mr. Hale being the boss. Ruthless’s father was an enforcer for the syndicate. Ace didn’t have a familial tie. He was Wolfe’s lifelong best friend. That was enough.

“Yeah, it’s Maven. Uh, yeah I think I remember that. I didn’t show up for class a lot.” That was putting it lightly. My constant skipping had almost got my ass kicked out of school, until my dad paid the principal a visit.

I used finishing my drink as a way to avoid talking. It didn’t keep Zach from talking though. He rambled on awkwardly about how lucky I was that I missed the pig dissection day of class.Good God, save me now.

My bad. No sooner had the thought crossed my mind than I felt Maddox’s stare upon us. I glanced up to find him watching Zach with venom in his eyes. Here we go.

I cut Zach off as I started to stand up. “I’m sorry. I have to pop inside for a minute.”

It was too late. Maddox was already halfway to the pool with Wolfe hot on his heels. The older of the two, Wolfe was more levelheaded, preferring to get what he wanted with charm rather than violence. He had a way of keeping his brother from blowing his top that made them the perfect duo.

“Hey, Lawson. You’re not trying to get with the Hart sisters, are you? A scumbag like you? Think I don’t know about that fifteen-year-old you slept with at Alex’s party? Not cool, bro. Hands off my girls here.” Maddox strolled up with a cocky smirk in place, managing to look both infuriating and hot. Damn him.

Graham paled and scrambled to his feet. “We were just talking. That’s all, man. It’s cool.”

Maddox had only to glare in Zach’s direction and he was scrambling to his feet too, doing his best to put distance between him and me. Because I didn’t appreciate being treated like Maddox’s property, I rose as well.

“Chill out, Maddox,” I said, drawing his glare to me. “Rumer and I are perfectly capable of carrying on a conversation with others without your interference.”

Behind Maddox I saw Wolfe’s brows rise and his eyes widen. He shot me a what the fuck look that I ignored. It wasn’t my job to tiptoe around so as not to set off Maddox. It was on him to manage his short temper and his expectations.

“Oh yeah?” Maddox challenged, flinging a hand in Zach’s direction. “You expect me to believe that you were enjoying this shitstain’s company? Not a chance.”

“No, not really,” I admitted, unable to lie. “Either way, it has nothing to do with you. I’m a big girl. I don’t need you constantly watching over my shoulder.”

Maddox laughed, a vicious sound loaded with dark promises. It sent an excited tickle down my spine and into my panties. He stepped forward to reach beneath the curtain of my hair, gliding a finger over the bruise on my cheek.

“That’s debatable,” he said softly, his gaze falling to my lips. “Sorry, Vixen. I want you all to myself tonight.”

Those deep blue eyes held me momentarily enchanted. He made it so hard to deny him. I knew if he kissed me, I’d be done for. Our physical relationship involved everything but sex. He’d never pushed me for it, enjoying anything I was comfortable with. Part of my resistance was because I knew it wouldn’t be his first time. He’d done it with Angie Simmons at a party when we were sixteen. Before he and I had officially become more than friends. It shouldn’t have bothered me, but it did.

Anger and desire warred inside me, each fighting to control what would spill out of my mouth next. Anger won.

“Maybe I don’t give a shit what you want. You don’t own me, Maddox.” Aware of the many sets of eyes upon us, I stalked past him and went inside. I didn’t need to look back to know he followed. I could feel him shadowing my steps.

Weaving my way between the people partying in the house, I crossed through the large living room to the kitchen. It too was filled with people drinking, smoking, and doing dumb shit, like keg stands.

I put my empty bottle in the pile on the counter. Before I could find myself another drink, Maddox grabbed my arm and whirled me around to face him.

“What’s with you tonight?” he asked, a lazy grin toying with his lips. “Did I interrupt something important? I didn’t think you liked Zach’s type.”
