Page 16 of Sinful God

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Lyra’s face filled with restrained anger. Instead of elbowing this guy in the guts, she played along. “Fine. This is Clover and Raina. Ladies, this is my stepbrother, Jet. He’ll just be getting lost now.”

Even when she said something insulting, it came out with a sugar coated quality. Like she couldn’t bring herself to really bring the fight. Upon discovering that this idiot was her stepbrother, I looked a little harder at him. This guy was one of the Demons? The supposed cult? Yeah, right.

“Nice to meet you, Jet.” Beaming her friendly smile, Clover extended a hand. Jet shook it with little effort or interest.

I didn’t bother with a fake gesture of friendliness. That kind of thing wasn’t in my nature. Instead, I eyed Jet up like he was a walking turd.

“Are you finished?” I asked, letting my disgust form my expression.

“Excuse me?” Jet frowned.

“You heard me,” I continued, not at all intimidated by him. “Are you finished with this little show you’re putting on for Lyra? Because I was finished watching it before you even opened your mouth.”

I didn’t care if he was in a cult. What could he do? Sacrifice me? He’d have to get past the Gods first. They’d never let someone swipe their pet.

Lyra’s eyes widened. She went white as a ghost. Jesus Christ. This girl needed to stop taking this guy’s shit.

Jet’s gaze narrowed. Releasing Lyra, he took a step toward me. “You’re a mob princess, right? That’s cute. No wonder Alexander claimed you. But you might want to keep your mouth shut and show some respect. You have no idea who you’re dealing with.”

Wow. Tough guy talk. Too bad that shit didn’t work on me. I erupted into laughter. Before I could tell Jet where to go and how to get there, I was suddenly pulled backwards into someone’s arms.

Havoc wrapped himself around me from behind. He clapped a hand over my mouth to silence the retort I had brewing. Next to my ear he whispered, “Shut that pretty mouth, Raina. Or I’ll gag you with my cock.” Louder to Jet he said, “Don’t talk shit to my girl, Reinhart. You really don’t want to start something you can’t win.”

Jet’s stare darkened dangerously. I didn’t expect him to back down. He held Havoc’s gaze unflinching and unafraid. If these dumbasses fought, I was getting the hell out of the way. No way was I getting caught in the crossfire and taking a stray punch. Or worse.

It was the arrival of Knight and Gage that made up Jet’s mind for him. Guess his cult buddies weren’t around to back him up tonight. Must have been busy making sacrifices to the old gods. Playing it cool, Jet held up both hands.

“Apologies, Havoc. I didn’t know she was yours.” After lying to Havoc’s face, Jet leaned in close to Lyra, speaking loud enough for us all to hear. “Don’t forget, little sis, I know where you sleep.”

With that creepy parting remark, Jet sauntered away as cool as he’d come. Unruffled. Definitely a smarmy bastard. I didn’t like that guy. Judging by the revulsion on Lyra’s face, she didn’t like him much either. She watched him disappear into the house. Only then did she relax.

I wrestled my way out of Havoc’s grasp, shoving his hand off my mouth. “For the rest of the night, we don’t know each other. Got it?”

Having him stop me from laying into Jet really ticked me off. I didn’t want to face off with the Gods in front of Lyra and Clover. Or anyone else here for that matter. I just wanted to be left alone to have a good time.

Havoc’s brows knit into an unhappy frown. Before he could protest, Gage cut him off.

“Sure, why not?” Gage snickered, an evil glint in his mismatched eyes. “Sounds good to me. We don’t know each other. Enjoy your night, Raina.”

Slinging an arm around Havoc, Gage steered him away. Knight lingered, staring at me suspiciously. When I merely shrugged, he wagged a finger at me in warning before following after them.

It didn’t take long for Lyra to decide that she wasn’t in a party mood after all. After she left, Clover and I refilled our drinks and wandered through the house. We paused to talk to people from school. Clover introduced me to several I had yet to meet. I smiled and nodded, being polite while scoping the place out.

Havoc had crammed in at the overflowing kitchen table where a poker game took place. He caught my eye and patted his lap in invitation. I sipped my drink while slowly shaking my head. I may have been collared but I wasn’t on a leash. Yet.

“Is it just me or is Blaze incredibly hot? I want to lick him all over. Maybe bite that tight ass.” Clover snapped her teeth together in a biting motion.

I laughed, following her stare to the dirty blond hottie hanging out near the poker game at the table. He was tattooed, his hair long enough to fall into his eyes. My gaze strayed past him to Daire who stood next to him, smoking a cigarette.

“Yeah, he’s pretty hot. Who is he?” Feeling my curious stare, Daire glanced my way. Naturally, I redirected my gaze back to Clover.

“Blaze Bixby. He’s one of the Angels. I’ve had the hugest crush on him since we went to eighth grade together.” Clover sighed, raising her cup to her lips.

“Let me guess,” I said. “You’ve never made a move or done anything to show interest.”

“Not true,” Clover protested with a laugh. “I once got my friend to tell him I thought he was cute. I was fifteen, but it still counts.”

I studied the two Angels. “Vigilantes, huh? Think that’s true?”
