Page 18 of Sinful God

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The fight ended as fast as it had started. Blaze shouted for Havoc and Knight to get Gage out of here. I guess we were being kicked out. Oops.



Gage lost his shit and flipped out in a drunken rage. He made it next to impossible for Knight and Havoc to wrestle him to the car. All he wanted was to tear Daire apart.

At Havoc’s command, I got into the front seat with Knight who slid in on the driver’s side. Havoc held Gage in a headlock in the backseat, threatening to choke him unconscious. Afraid to meet Gage’s eyes and set him off further, I stared straight ahead out the windshield.

“I’ll fucking kill that cunt. Get off me, Havoc. Don’t think you’re safe, Raina. I’m coming for you next.” Gage raged from one thing to another. His fury made the interior of the car hot and uncomfortable.

Sucking in a deep breath, I tried not to let Gage’s vicious promise unnerve me. It didn’t work. I’d seen enough of him to know that he was a loose cannon. Unpredictable. He thought that I owed him. Now he was pissed and seeking payback.

I spent the entire drive back to the Gods’ house in silence. Gage burst from the car as it rolled to a stop in the driveway. He stormed up to the house and through the front door. I was conflicted, torn between fearing Gage’s wrath and being excited by it. I followed along, keeping my distance.

“He just needs to sober up and cool off,” Knight said as we went inside. “Don’t worry about him.”

Havoc scoffed. “Easy for you to say. You’re not the one he’s got a hard on for. I’d love to tell you that it’s nothing, but if I were you, Bad Girl, I’d prepare for a rough night.”

A shiver crept through me, leaving tingles in its wake. “Thanks for that, Havoc. Really encouraging. Cool. I love that for me.” Knowing better than to expect either of these assholes to protect me from Gage, I changed the subject. “Can I have a room to myself that I’m not locked inside tonight?”

“Take Gage’s room.” A sneaky little sneer curved Havoc’s lips. “He won the fight to have you take it.”

“I’ll get your things from Havoc’s room.” Knight offered me a helpful smile before disappearing upstairs.

They were seriously going to leave me to Gage. Like that goat chained up for the T-Rex inJurassic Park. Well, screw them. I didn’t need them to protect me.

Not giving a shit if anyone saw me, I went to the kitchen and helped myself to the deadliest knife in the drawer. Then I angrily stalked up the stairs.

“You’ll never get the chance to use that,” Havoc called after me. “You’ll only encourage him.”

As I reached the top of the stairs, Gage shoved past me. He carried a handful of personal items, a toothbrush and razor, among other things. He paused one step below, peering up with a maniacal glint in his crazy eyes.

“Brace yourself, Cherry Pie. Tonight I’m coming to get what’s mine.” Turning away, he continued on down the stairs, going all the way into the basement.

I stood in the doorway to Gage’s bedroom. Everything was dark, a combination of blacks and grays. The curtains, the bedding, and even the wall paint. A double bed was pressed against the wall in one corner. The blanket and sheets were rumpled. The man probably hadn’t made the bed a day in his life.

A desk with a laptop sat in the opposite corner near the window. The blinds were drawn, keeping the streetlight out. Other than a dresser and a closet, Gage’s room was pretty basic. The energy in his space felt intense. I’d never be able to relax in here. Maybe I could convince Knight or Havoc to give me their room instead.

That would mean giving Gage the satisfaction of being able to intimidate me. The very thought was unacceptable. Nope, I’d have to suck it up and stay in that psycho’s bedroom. The room smelled like Gage. A cedarwood and marijuana combo that held undertones of male pheromones. A cocktail of danger that messed with my head.

Knight appeared behind me with my bag. “I think everything is in here. You might want to double check.”

“Thanks.” I took the bag and tossed it on the bed, plopping down beside it. “Goodnight.”

I just wanted him to leave and close the door. I was done with this night and with all of them. Gage could make all the sick promises he wanted. I was going to sleep.

Picking up on the vibe, Knight closed the door. I slipped the knife under the pillow before digging through my bag for something to wear to bed. Lucky for me, every bedroom here had its own bathroom. I locked both the bedroom and bathroom doors before getting naked. Gage was a lock picker though. I doubted that would do more than slow him down.

After a quick shower, I slipped into a t-shirt and panties. I preferred to sleep without a lot of heavy materials weighing me down. In light of Gage’s threat, I almost considered sleeping fully clothed. Nope. That wouldn’t send the right message.

I opened the curtains to let the streetlight shine in. I wanted to see that fucker coming before he was on top of me. That would’ve been a whole lot easier if I hadn’t been drinking. Once I got settled in the bed, I passed out in no time.

Big mistake. I should have forced myself to sit up and wait for him.

The sound of the door didn’t wake me. Neither did the sensation of Gage getting into the bed. No, my drunk ass didn’t wake up until he helped himself to a handful of my pussy.

My eyes flew open as Gage’s hand moved between my legs. He lay behind me, reaching over to grope about between my thighs. My hand immediately clamped down over his to stop its persistent motion. With the other hand, I searched under my pillow for the knife.
