Page 23 of Sinful God

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“Yeah, yeah. Don’t worry about it.” I chugged back the rest of my coffee and headed for the door. “I’ll catch up with you guys later.”

As I slid into Havoc’s Lexus, I considered tailing Raina to school. Watching to make sure she got inside unscathed. While I knew she was a fighter, I also knew that it may not be enough against someone who really wanted to hurt her. Instead, I headed for the dealership. I’d keep an eye on her through the tracker app for now.

I headed for the used car dealership that a guy from campus worked at part-time. Maybe he could get me a deal. Hopefully he worked today. I wasn’t sure what his schedule was like. Some students were only part-time.

Jordan was working when I arrived. He showed me a variety of options. From large trucks to small cars and everything in between. I found myself eyeing a black Dodge Charger. It was in good shape. Decent mileage. The price was higher than I’d prefer. I’d have to do some haggling.

“I’ll give you some time to think it over while I sort out the paperwork. I’ll check back in with you in a few.” Jordan disappeared inside the office, leaving me to scope out the car.

Leaning against the Charger, I pulled out my phone. First, I checked Raina’s tracker. She was on campus. Safely in class where she should be. After that, I logged into my bank account, eyeing my savings. Other than weed and food, the rest of my money remained untouched. Not that I was rich by any means, but I was doing okay. Havoc’s dad gave us enough jobs to keep us comfortable. He also paid the rent on the house we shared, which helped a lot.

I sent Havoc and Knight each a picture of the car with some of its information. They were in class so I didn’t expect an answer right away. I also didn’t expect to suddenly be approached by the Angels.

Daire, Cash, and Blaze sauntered over from an SUV across the parking lot. I hadn’t been paying attention to my surroundings. A mistake I was about to pay for. There was only one way they would know I was here. Fucking Jordan had tipped them off. Bastard was probably cowering in the office. No wonder he hadn’t come back out yet.

I smiled as they approached. The cut on my lip tugged painfully. “What’s up, boys? I don’t imagine that you’re here to help me car shop.”

Nope. They were here to clean my clock. I guess I did have it coming. I’d thrown the first punch at Daire.

He didn’t look too bad. Slight bruising along his jaw. Nothing to cry about.

“Not quite,” Blaze answered, cracking his knuckles. “We’re here to remind you to show some respect when you come into our domain. You fucked up, Corwin.”

“Yeah. So I did.” I nodded, shoving my phone into my back pocket. Standing up, I held my hands out, inviting their wrath. “Do what you’ve gotta do.”

What else could I do but take it? I’d earned this beating. If I were any of them, I’d do the same. Fighting now would only make it worse. I didn’t want to end up in a hospital with machines helping me breathe. I knew how this worked. Taking it was always the safer choice.

Daire stepped forward to throw the first punch. Fair enough. His fist rocked me back several paces. My throbbing headache instantly pounded.

This was all because of Raina. She’d just had to talk to him. She knew exactly what she was doing when she left with him. Provoking the hell out of me. Hey, I’d started it. I knew that. I’d found the first willing chick to squirm around on my lap after Raina’s snarky comment about not knowing us for the rest of the night. I didn’t want that chick. I only wanted to get a reaction from Raina.

And here’s where it led me.

All three Angels took their turn throwing punches in my face. Once my vision blurred and I hit the ground, they switched to swift kicks. I curled inward, arms over my head in an effort to protect my skull.

This wasn’t my first ass kicking. Not even close. My own father had left me bleeding and unconscious more times than I could count.

The taste of blood filled my mouth. My ears rang with every kick. Inside me a knot of rage formed.

“Cool it, guys,” Cash said, scowling down at me from above. “I think he’s had enough. Don’t fuck with us again, Corwin. We won’t let you off so easy next time.”



I don’t know how I got so lucky. When Gage didn’t show up to our first shared class, I was relieved. By the time our third shared class rolled around and he still hadn’t shown, I was elated. It was nice to have a break from the smug fuck.

Even though it was almost summer and warming up quickly, I wore a hoodie to hide my bruises. They’d been worse than I expected upon waking. That asshole had left me bruised and raw from neck to pussy. The slightest motion in my chair, a simple crossing or uncrossing of my legs, and I was reminded of Gage’s rough touch.

Although I’d never admit it to him, I didn’t hate it. Nobody in my past had ever been so unhinged. So sexy and scary at the same time. Every twinge of pain between my thighs sent a warm rush of remembrance through me. Goddamn you, Gage. Get the fuck out of my head.

I’d woken up alone. Gage had already vacated the bed. Hearing them talk about me so flippantly had pissed me off. Instead of having coffee with them or digging up something to eat, I’d gotten the hell out of there as fast as I could. I didn’t want to look at any of them. The Gods had made it clear that I was nothing but a pet. A potential liability. Nothing more.

Fine with me. If they were willing to put themselves between me and danger, they may prove useful. When their use ran out, I was gone. The collar wasn’t enough to make me stay. Someone would be able to help remove it for the right price.

By the time I finished for the day, I was feeling good. Perky and in a good mood for a change. Getting away from the guys for a while helped. In no rush to get back to the house, I stopped by the cafeteria to treat myself to an iced coffee.

Two girls got in line a few people behind me. It took a moment for me to realize they were gossiping about me. I didn’t clue in until I heard one of them say, “She’s fucking crazy. She faked her own death.”
