Page 25 of Sinful God

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“Dude, what the fuck happened to you?”

“The Angels happened to him,” I supplied, grateful for the interruption.

Finishing with Gage’s face, I lifted his shirt. He kept clutching his ribs. That worried me. His entire side was covered in bruises. Nothing appeared broken, but what the hell did I know? I wasn’t a mob doctor.

Havoc’s bark of laughter was bitter. “Well, then I’d say we need to pay those stupid fucks a visit.”

What was with these idiots? Would they never learn?

Ignoring his statement, I said, “Your dad must have someone who can come look at him. We need to make sure there’s no concussion or internal injuries.”

Havoc glanced from me to Gage who shook his head vehemently. “Yeah, he does. I’ll make a call. Once Gage is given the clear, we’re going to beat some Angel ass.”

There was no point arguing. They were going to do whatever they wanted to do.

“Count me out,” I said, cleaning up the bandages and bloody cloth. “I’ll stay here and study.”

Havoc opened his mouth like he may argue. Thinking better of it, he bit back whatever he’d been about to say. Pulling out his phone, he started making calls. Knight arrived soon after. Once he saw Gage’s face, he was on board with whatever violent shit Havoc wanted to pull.

“Better keep your doc on standby,” I quipped. “They’ll have to put all three of you together after because I’m done playing nurse for one day.”

“That’s what you think.” Havoc patted my ass on his way into the kitchen. “Nothing makes me want to go out and get punched in the face more than the thought of you playing nurse.”

Knight chimed in his agreement. An unimpressed frown creased my brow. These jackasses were going to get themselves killed.

While we waited for the doctor to arrive, I kept checking in with Gage. His pupils seemed to dilate properly. That was reassuring. He didn’t move from the couch though. I brought him water, weed, and even let him press his battered face to my breasts.

“So soft,” he whispered, an arm sliding around my waist to hold me close. “So comforting.”

With the doctor’s arrival, he released me. Keeping my distance, I retreated to the kitchen. I’d come home feeling like I could use a snack. My appetite had soured. I didn’t like that they were going to retaliate, and so damn soon.

Nibbling a few crackers, I eyed Havoc. Could I convince him not to go? He was the one calling the shots. Although I was still getting to know him, I’d discovered early on how headstrong he could be. He’d come after me pretty hard. Breaking into my room. Chasing me down and fucking inking me with their mark.

No doubt he would do so much worse to the Angels if given the chance. The Angels were here to play. They wouldn’t back down from a fight.

The doctor declared Gage to be slightly concussed with two badly bruised ribs. He didn’t suspect anything internal but left a list of things to watch for over the next few days. He advised Gage to spend a few days in bed. Was that going to keep the psychotic bastard from going out with his friends in search of trouble? Nope.

“Are you serious?” I gaped at the three of them as they readied to leave. “How many more hits do you think you can take today, Gage? Do you have a death wish? Why the hell are the two of you letting him endanger himself?”

My glare fixed on Havoc and Knight. At least Knight had the decency to shrug and muster a guilty expression.

“Chill out, Bad Girl. We’ll be fine. I promise. Order us something good for dinner. We’ll be back before you know it.” Havoc surprised me by going for a kiss, like we were the type to kiss goodbye or something. Then he pressed his credit card into my hand.

I stood there glaring after them. A niggling sensation some might call worry hollowed out my stomach. I would have to care to worry. Since I didn’t, I watched the door close behind them without another word.

Just as I’d said I was going to do, I spent most of my time going over stuff from class. That occupied me for an hour. Then the growing urge to snoop got the better of me. Leaving my laptop on the kitchen table, I went upstairs to the bedrooms.

Starting with Knight’s room, I hesitated in the doorway. The room was on the smaller side but not tiny. The queen size bed made it appear smaller than it was. I pawed through the drawers of his dresser and desk. Aside from a box of condoms and a sketch book filled with abstract drawings, I didn’t find anything of interest.

I moved across the hall to Gage’s bedroom. I expected to find something juicy in there. He had a little weapon stash in a box under his bed. Inside I found a tiny switchblade, a large hunting knife, and a box of handgun ammo. No gun though. Jesus, I hoped he hadn’t brought it with him.

His laptop was easy to get into. I’d seen him punch in the password several times in class. Boobies was such a goddamn juvenile password. I sure hoped his bank app password was a lot stronger than that.

Gage’s search history contained a healthy amount of porn. He liked to run it silently in class to get a rise out of me. His browser logged right into his email but the inbox was empty. Damn. These guys were boring. There had to be something interesting to find. Gage was so in your face brash and crazy. I guess he had nothing to hide.

Havoc’s room seemed like a bust too. At first. The perv had a fuckable rubber pussy in the back of his closet and a small safe. Locked, of course. It was the tablet on the bed that held the interesting stuff though.

Expecting a password or face ID, I was pleasantly surprised when Havoc’s tablet opened right up. It never left the house and nobody came in here, so he must have assumed it unnecessary. His mistake.
