Page 43 of Sinful God

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Blood and brain matter splattered the pavement. The man slumped over, his skull cracking against the ground. Havoc grabbed Raina and hastily shoved her into the backseat, climbing in with her. Gage got in the front with me, and then we were gone.

I didn’t have to ask to know that Havoc recognized the address. Things had just gone from bad to worse.



I didn’t speak a word to anyone the entire drive home. As soon as we pulled into the driveway, I waited for everyone else to go inside before calling my father. My pulse quickened as I listened to it ring.

Finally, he picked up. “What’s up, Christian? I’m just in the middle of something.”

Too busy to take two minutes to talk to his son. Typical. I wasn’t in the mood for that shit today.

“Are you at home? I need to speak to you. In person. I’m already in the car.” I got out of Knight’s SUV and crossed to where my car sat in the driveway. Sliding into the driver’s seat, I pulled out my keys and started the engine.

“No, I’m at the storage facility. The one with the incinerator. You know the one.” The way he spoke told me that he knew damn well I hadn’t used it on a neighborhood cat. I was beyond giving a shit.

“Fine. I’m on my way.” I hung up before he could tell me not to come. I had a few questions for him, and I wanted to look him in the eye when he answered.

I peeled out of the driveway and took off with a squeal of tires. I didn’t tell the others where I was going. Gage and Knight would know. I’d just put a bullet in the brain of a man who’d been hired by my father to grab Raina. My mind raced with the many possibilities of what my father had planned for her.

It became painfully clear that he knew she was staying with us. He’d been the one behind Jenna’s death too, although I had no idea why. Something shady as fuck was going on here. I was determined to get to the bottom of it.

A sick sensation twisted in my stomach when I thought about my father going after Raina. Sure, he’d had a vendetta against Desmond Monroe for decades. Long before Raina and I were part of this shitshow. Would he really sink so low as to target Raina in order to get rid of his foe? Yes, yes he would.

Maybe I wouldn’t have cared if I hadn’t claimed her. I’d denied being attached to her because it hadn’t felt like the right term. Obsessed. That was more like it. Raina had dug her way deep inside me the moment I’d first laid eyes on her. All I knew was that I had to make her mine.

I’d never cared about any woman enough to go to bat against my father. I still didn’t know what it meant to be driving over there intending to call him out on his shit. It wasn’t something I’d done before. No doubt it came with substantial risk. A risk I was willing to take. Knight would say that I’d fallen for her, or something equally disturbing and overexaggerated. I wasn’t willing to make such a claim, although I was clearly putting my own ass on the line here.

When I drove up to the storage building, my palms grew sweaty. I parked the car and wiped my hands on my jeans before getting out. Because I didn’t fully trust myself right then, I left my gun in the car, tucked under the seat.

As I entered the building, I passed two of my father’s men on their way up from the basement. One of them paused to say, “He’s down there.”

I continued down the stairs into the basement. The air smelled far from fresh. I rounded the corner at the bottom of the stairs and jerked to a stop.

My father stood in front of the incinerator. With the door still open, I clearly saw the body inside. The man I’d just killed. Damn, that was fast. He’d either had someone watching the dead guy or watching me. Maybe his cop friend on the force had tipped him off.

“Hello, Christian.” My father’s tone was low and menacing. He swung the incinerator door shut and hit the switch to fire it up.

“Dad,” I said with a nod. I pulled my phone out, ready to show the picture of him and Nikki.

He took a few steps toward me, his hands spread wide. “Did you come to tell me why you killed my man here?”

He nodded toward the incinerator. I followed his gaze, unable to see the man roasting inside.

“Sure. But I have a question of my own. Were you involved with Nikki Monroe?” Holding up my phone, I showed him the old photo that Raina had found.

He pretended to scrutinize it before slowly nodding. “I suppose I was at one time, yes. Why do you ask?”

Jesus Christ. He was really going to play this game. It made my blood boil.

“Were you still involved with her while she was married to Desmond?” I asked. I’d come here for answers, and I wasn’t leaving without them.

My father’s brows knit together into a tight frown. “Why do you ask? What’s this all about?”

I let out an annoyed huff. I didn’t have the patience for this shit. “You know what this is about. Nikki tried to kill Raina because you told her to. Isn’t that right?”

The atmosphere suddenly felt heavy and suffocating. It wasn’t like me to go against my father on anything. Although he’d never given me a reason to before. A memory flitted through my mind. Raina flushing with adorable embarrassment as she realized she’d have to pee in front of me. Another memory of Raina riding my cock, her head thrown back in pleasure. They were both followed up by an image of her telling me off, fury in her hazel eyes.

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