Page 45 of Sinful God

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Fuck me. This was not good. Knowing that it was best to do as he said if I wanted to get out of this alive, I slowly approached the table and sat down across from him. I didn’t have anything to say to this man. Not in the moment with him sitting there glaring daggers at me. I knew without a doubt that he was the other person working with Nikki. It was written all over his face.

He looked a little like Havoc, although Havoc had gorgeous blue eyes and less cruelty within them. I’d never been up close and personal with Maverick. I sure didn’t want to be now.

“I see you’ve managed to worm your way into my son’s life,” he mused, hands clasped on the table before him. “I’m not sure how you did it. I worked hard to make sure he saw you as the enemy. I guess some guys will do anything for some pussy. Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

Wow. What a supreme asshole. I did my best to steel my features, not allowing my true feelings to show. It became apparent now that he’d purposely sent the guys on an errand so he could come here and confront me. And maybe worse.

I swallowed hard. “For the record, I didn’t come here on my own free will. Havoc forced me to be here. In fact, Havoc forced almost every interaction we’ve ever had.”

I didn’t know what else to say. My intent wasn’t to throw Havoc under the bus but to make it clear that I hadn’t wormed my way in anywhere. I was wearing a fucking collar for god’s sake. Not that it looked like anything other than a metallic choker necklace.

Maverick’s ice cold gaze slid over me. Did this asshole really think I’d willingly let Gage tattoo me with their mark? Yeah, he probably did.

“Is that so? And you did nothing to attract his attention?” Maverick looked me over, lingering on my breasts. Something like amusement briefly flitted across his face.

“Not a damn thing. He walked up to me at a party and poured his beer over my head. Now I’m here. Trust me, I didn’t ask for any of this.” And yet, now I didn’t want to give any of it up. What the hell had happened to me in the time since I’d met the Gods?

Maverick’s lips pressed into a tight, thin line. “Something happened to make my son feel the need to protect you.”

“You’d have to ask him about that. I didn’t do anything. Maybe filling his head with nonsense about me being the enemy only created an obsession. Maybe this is all on you.” I held my breath, hoping he didn’t kill me for speaking my mind. It just wasn’t in me to keep my mouth shut when someone talked shit.

Maverick quickly rose. He rounded the small table and kicked my chair with enough force to send me flying onto the floor. I tried to scramble quickly to my feet. He was already there, grabbing a fistful of my hair.

He slammed my head against the table, pinning me in place. Leaning in close enough for his breath to tickle the back of my neck, he snarled, “You better watch your mouth, little girl. I’m not above sending you to your father in pieces. Now listen to me very carefully. You are going to distance yourself from my son. I don’t want to find out you’re still here manipulating him with that nasty hole between your legs. This will be your only warning.”

“He won’t let me go,” I squeaked, my voice high and frightened. “I told you that I didn’t come here on my own. He fucking handcuffed me to himself all night.”

Something told me not to tell him about the collar I wore that had a tracker. I knew better than to volunteer too much information.

Maverick’s low chuckle made my adrenaline pump harder. “I see my boy is more like his father than I thought. Well then, it will be on you to find a way to make him cut you loose. I don’t care how you do it, just do it. I expect that you know better than to tell Christian that I was here.”

Using his hold on my hair, Maverick pulled me off the table and shoved me hard. I went sprawling onto the floor, barely getting my hands out in time to catch me. I bit my bottom lip in the fall, tasting blood. I stayed down, knowing better than to get up and anger him further.

He strode from the house, leaving the same way he’d come. I waited for several minutes before getting off the floor. Swiping the blood from my lip, I tried and failed to hold back tears.

Maverick Alexander wanted me dead. He was behind the man who’d been stalking me. He’d sent the messages to my phone. It was all too much to take. It wasn’t often that I truly feared someone. I was afraid now.



“Are you going to tell us what Maverick said that has you so ticked off?” I eyed Havoc from the passenger seat. He was in a real mood.

His fingers tightened on the steering wheel. He stared straight ahead, barely blinking as he drove. I glanced into the backseat at Knight who shrugged. When Havoc got into a mood like this, he could be a really unpredictable asshole.

As we pulled up to a red light, he glanced over at me and said, “He told me that Raina is poison and to stay away from her.”

I considered this with a nod. “Well, he’s not entirely wrong. She’s the good kind of poison though. The kind that you know can kill you but it just feels so fucking good that you take your chances anyway.”

“He admitted to banging Nikki Monroe,” Havoc continued. “He also had the stalker in the incinerator. He was going to grill me about the body, then he changed his mind. Told me that he had a job for us to do. I think he was trying to avoid answering any questions.”

I pondered this new turn of events. Maverick was a stone cold son of a bitch. A nasty fucker. It didn’t surprise me that he’d been fucking Raina’s father’s wife. Something wasn’t right here though. Maverick was hiding something. I could feel it.

“There’s obviously more to it than he wants us to know,” Knight stated. “I wonder what’s really going on.”

“I don’t know,” Havoc said, hitting the gas as the light turned green. “He must know Raina has been staying with us. He knew that I’d killed her stalker.”

“Which means we left her alone for him to kill in our absence,” I pointed out, my tone lacking any emotion.
