Page 48 of Sinful God

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Gage waited until every wave had subsided before withdrawing his fingers. Like I knew he would, he sucked them into his mouth, licking them clean of my juices. The smirk he wore was incredibly self-satisfied. It made me hate him.

For the rest of the class I had to sit there in wet panties while he silently gloated. When class ended, I shot out of my seat and quickly gathered my things.

“Slow down, Cherry Pie. You’re not ditching me that easily.” Wearing a cheeky grin, Gage packed up his laptop and ambled along behind me as we left the classroom.

Ignoring him completely, I ducked into the closest restroom to clean up and shimmy out of my damp underwear. When I exited the restroom, Gage was there waiting for me. I crammed the panties into his pocket.

“I hope you’re happy. Now I have to go commando for the rest of the day.”

That was not the right choice of words. He laughed, helping himself to a handful of my ass as we walked down the hall.

“Damn rights I’m happy. You just creamed all over my fingers. Good job on staying quiet, by the way. I wasn’t sure you’d be able to pull it off. Think you can do that again? We have a few more classes together today.” Gage wiggled a brow, his smile growing.

“Absolutely not. No way. Don’t even, Gage. You’ll get both our asses kicked out of school. Maybe you don’t care about that but I do.” I slid him a sidelong glance as we walked. “What’s with you today anyway?”

I didn’t expect him to be honest. He waited until we’d reached an area with less people rushing past.

“We fucked up the other night when doing a cash pickup for Maverick. The Angels jumped us and took the money. No doubt Maverick is going to make us pay for that mistake.” Gage pulled me to a stop, pressing me against the wall between two classrooms. “What about you?”

“What do you mean?” I asked, doing my best to meet his piercing hazel and blue eyes.

“Cut the crap, Raina. You’re more tense than usual lately. What’s going on with you?” He placed a hand on the wall next to my head, leaning in close enough to playfully bite my bottom lip.

I wasn’t sure what to say. My initial instinct was to lie. However, he’d been honest with me. Surely I owed him the same.

“Maverick came to see me that night when you guys were out,” I blurted. “He threatened me. Told me to find a way to make Havoc cut me loose. He wants me out of his son’s life.”

Gage studied my face. If he’d been seeking signs of a lie, he found none. “Jesus Christ, that motherfucker. Did he hurt you?”

“A little bit. Nothing extreme. He shoved me around a little.” I gnawed my bottom lip before adding, “I’m worried that he’ll keep coming after me.”

As much as I hated admitting fear to Gage, it felt good to say it to someone. I hadn’t told a soul. Not even Clover during our many text chats.

Rage filled Gage’s eyes. He slid an arm around my shoulders, leading me down the hall to our next class. “Don’t worry about Maverick, Baby Girl. I won’t let that fucker anywhere near you again.”



The mood around the house wasn’t as upbeat and crazy as I’d grown accustomed to. Now I knew why. Gage hadn’t explicitly asked me not to say anything to Havoc about their loss of all that cash to the Angels. Still, I got the feeling that it was better to keep quiet.

Neither Gage nor I told him about Maverick’s visit or what he’d said to me. It didn’t feel like the right time. The guys weren’t their usual annoying, cocky selves. The subdued vibes were a little disappointing. I kind of missed Havoc’s bossy snark and Gage’s dark taunts and insults. Knight was also more quiet than usual. He sat at the kitchen table, staring at his laptop as he worked.

Since nobody seemed to have any plans for dinner, I took it upon myself to cook something. There wasn’t a whole lot of food in the house but I managed to dig up some chicken and potatoes. I got to work making baked potatoes and parmesan chicken. We had nothing in the way of fresh vegetables, which came as no surprise. There was, however, a bag of frozen mixed veggies. That would do.

Since my nerves were shot, I poured myself a vodka from the bottle in the freezer. The mix options were limited. I poured a splash of cola into the glass. Good enough.

When Knight offered to help, I brushed him off. He did enough to keep us from starving. Havoc would have gladly ordered takeout. As much as I enjoyed a good takeout night, one couldn’t survive solely off that shit. Well, maybe Havoc could.

He entered the kitchen, his hair damp from a shower. Seeing me in the kitchen made him stop and do a double take.

“Damn, Bad Girl. What did we do to earn a home cooked meal? Never mind. Don’t answer that. I don’t want to ruin it. I’m starving. I’ve barely eaten today.” Like me, Havoc seemed to need a shot of liquor to get him through the rest of this day. He went for the whiskey bottle, pouring a glass half full. He didn’t bother with mix.

I shrugged, giving him a side eye as he chugged back half the whiskey in his glass. “Just getting sick of takeout. I thought it would be nice to have something a little healthier.”

Havoc sniffed in the direction of the stove before grabbing a handful of my ass. “Smells good. I can’t wait to eat it. Maybe I’ll have you for dessert.”

He mustered up a teasing smile. It was nice to see a little hint of the typical Havoc. I wondered what he would say if he knew that his father had paid me a visit.
