Page 65 of Sinful God

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I tried to say more. Words failed me. A new wave of tears spilled down my face.

“You’re killing me here, Raina. I hope you don’t hate me for this.” He picked me up and carried me to his bed. Hovering over me, he touched one of my tears, licking it from his fingertip. “I hate that you’re so fucking sad, but I love that you’re crying. I’m sorry. I wish I didn’t.”

Knight moved down my body, nudging my legs apart. We were both still naked, smelling of bodywash and shampoo. My breath hitched as he licked me, a sensually soft touch of his tongue.

I felt him holding back. Like he had this ravenous hunger to devour me and only my current state kept him from doing that. But I wanted him to devour me.

Sliding a hand into his damp hair, I grabbed a handful, jerking his head up so our gazes locked. “I’m not a breakable doll, Knight. Please, don’t hold back with me. I want all of you.”

He searched my face as he made the decision within himself. He nodded. “Whatever you say, Goddess.”

Knight reached up to touch my tearstained face one more time. Then he stopped holding himself back. There was a roughness to his touch when he jerked my legs farther apart. Burying his face between them, he plunged his tongue between my folds, delving deep inside me.

I let out a gasp that became a whimper. Knight lapped at my juices as they flowed, encouraging my body to give him more. He ran both hands over my thighs, up my stomach to my breasts. He clutched them with an unspoken desire that I felt within me.

Withdrawing his tongue, he ran it over my clit, circling it until I squirmed beneath him. He drove me to the edge of orgasm before easing off, dipping back inside me. I still held onto his hair, my hold tightening as the pleasure steadily grew.

My lips parted on a breathy moan. Knight teased my nipple with one hand, running the other back down my stomach. He thrust two fingers inside me, pumping deep as he sucked on my clit. Again he brought me to the edge before easing off. This man was going to make me crazy. It was almost worse than Havoc’s forced orgasms. I wanted it so damn bad.

Knight inserted a third finger, stretching me wider. I was so wet for him. I eagerly looked forward to having his cock. I needed it.

When he finally gave my clit some more love, I came with a cry. My hips bucked, and my legs shook. I murmured his name as each wave racked me.

A storm of emotions made my chest heave. A few more silent tears slid from my eyes, spilling onto the pillow beneath my head. Knight rose up over me, licking my arousal from his lips. He held my gaze, watching the tears fill my eyes before breaking free.

He groaned softly. My tears did something powerful to him. Something that made me feel in control even though I was a wreck.

With our eyes locked, Knight pressed his hard cock between my legs, plunging inside me. Buried deep in one thrust. It stole my breath. The exquisite pleasure spread through my body. I’d never wanted him as desperately as I did then.

He waited a moment, savoring the way it felt to be inside me. In his puppy dog brown eyes, I saw a sensitive soul. Someone who’d seen the darkness in others, as well as himself, and still loved them. Someone who’d kill for me.

Knight pressed close against me, aligning our bodies. He began to thrust with slow, steady motions. I held onto him, my hands gliding over the smooth muscle of his back and shoulders. He felt so good on top of me. Even better inside me. I got the feeling that he wanted nothing more than to rail me until I screamed. He was trying to be a loving gentleman about it.

At first. Once the moans began to steadily spill from my lips, Knight lost all control.

“Cry for me, Raina,” he murmured, his eyes glazed with desire. “Let me see those tears.”

Under other circumstances, I may have thought he was a lunatic. I was already a ball of emotion that had been pent up for too long. Being buried alive was the kind of thing that tested one’s resolve. My tough front had been shaken. Deep inside, I held onto the pain that I’d always refused to show.

The pain of my mother walking out on my dad and me. The agony of being rejected by people who would have been my friend if I didn’t have a mobster for a father. Even the pain that came from being claimed by the Gods as their pet. A claim that had almost led to an untimely death at the hands of my father’s foe.

Knight’s encouragement was all it took to unleash the floodgates. More tears broke free. My chest hitched with a sob. I hoped that Havoc and Gage couldn’t hear me. I thought I heard the front door close but couldn’t be sure. It didn’t matter. All I cared about right then was Knight and his gorgeous cock.

He seized my lips in a dizzying kiss. His hips moved frantically between my legs. Each thrust grew more intense than the last. Soon he pounded into me, forcing moans and cries out with each one.

I came hard, my pussy spasming around Knight’s shaft. He moaned my name, kissing the tears from my face. Unwilling to stop yet, he rolled us over onto our sides. Still face to face, he slung my leg over his, opening me up wider.

I kissed him hard, driven by the flurry of emotions messing with my head. I didn’t feel like my usual self. Maybe I never would again. Right then, that didn’t matter. Working my way toward a third climax was my only focus.

Knight gripped my hip with one hand, moving forcefully between my legs. He wasn’t nearly as aggressive as Gage had been, although there was a certain animalistic quality to the way he fucked me. Like he claimed me with every thrust. Like he wanted to leave a piece of himself behind.

He moved with urgency. Faster and harder, taking us both to incredible heights. I felt the rise of his orgasm, sensing it in the way his thrusts grew jerky and rough.

“Come for me again, Goddess,” he whispered against my lips. “Let me feel it.”

Despite having already came twice, my body had grown used to Havoc’s forced marathon of climaxes. It was primed and ready to go. My inner muscles clenched Knight tight again as I came with a cry that I knew could be heard downstairs.

Knight emptied inside me, coating my insides with his cum. His cock twitched a few times. He pressed his face into my neck, kissing me as his arms went around me.
