Page 72 of Sinful God

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“You’re flashing a lot of cleavage there, Cherry Pie.” Gage ogled my tits as I entered the kitchen. “I think the skirt could be a little shorter though.”

Knight let out a low whistle when he took in my dress. “Gorgeous like always, Raina. Really, you look beautiful.”

“Thanks, cutie.” My gaze wandered over Knight’s dark gray suit and matching tie. “You clean up pretty well yourself. You too, Gage.”

Gage wore a black suit with a white shirt open at the collar. I guess he wasn’t a tie man. The feather tattooed on the side of his neck peeked out of his shirt, drawing my eye. He and I hadn’t spent any time alone together since I’d come back to the house. We’d been amicable, for the most part. There was no denying the tension between us.

Frankly, I hated it. I wanted to forgive him for what happened with the Angels. For that to happen, he had to be sorry. So far, I hadn’t seen any sign of that. He sure hadn’t said as much.

“Thanks, Doll. Feel free to hike up that skirt and ride my face until we have to leave. It’s been a while since I’ve had a taste of you.” Gage’s mismatched gaze traveled over me, lingering on the space between my thighs.

I ignored the heat that bloomed within me. “I wonder why that might be.”

Before he could fire back a smarmy response, Havoc strode in from the backyard where he’d been taking a phone call. He wore a black suit and tie, his hair perfectly combed into place. He jerked to a stop, doing a double take when he saw me.

“Damn, Bad Girl. I think you need to dress like that all the time. Maybe with a shorter skirt though.”

Gage smirked at me as if to say, ‘I told you so.’

“Your dad sent these over.” Havoc motioned to a meat and cheese platter on the counter next to a bottle of expensive wine. “There’s a card too with a bunch of cash. He’s a pretty cool guy.”

My father had been firmly against me attending this funeral. That hadn’t stopped him from making a thoughtful gesture.

We left for the funeral, taking Havoc’s car. My palms grew progressively more sweaty as we drew closer to the church where the funeral was being held. Havoc took my hand as we entered the building. Not once did he let go, even when I knew my palm had to be making his hand sweaty too.

The four of us sat in the front with Havoc’s mother and sister. His sister wouldn’t even look at him. His mom played her role, hugging and kissing him, acting like nothing was wrong. She shed tears at all the right times, acting like the widow in mourning. Something about her demeanor told me that she wasn’t all that sad about the demise of her husband. Havoc hadn’t said much about his parents. I got the impression they didn’t have the happiest marriage.

She was super sweet. She even went so far as to give me a hug and thank me for taking care of her son. What the shit? I smiled and nodded, forcing polite small talk.

It was when we reached the cemetery where Maverick was to be buried that things got weird. Several members of the Alexander syndicate approached Havoc to offer their condolences. More than that, some of them straight up celebrated him as their new leader.

“I look forward to working with you, Christian.” A hefty man with a ruddy complexion clapped Havoc on the back. “Your old man left large shoes to fill. I hope you’re up for the challenge.”

“Welcome aboard, kid,” said Havoc’s Uncle Nate. “I’m sure you’ll bring some fresh energy to the group. We’re lucky to have you.” Beneath his breath, he whispered, “What’s the Monroe kid doing here?”

I’d distanced myself from Havoc once the men of his syndicate swarmed him. Standing several feet away with Gage and Knight, I swallowed hard at the sound of my last name.

What was I doing here? Good question. Sure, I’d come to lend moral support. I didn’t need these mobsters to tell me that I didn’t belong. I felt it with every piece of me.

“Raina is with me,” Havoc said, firm and confident. “She’s my girl. I expect all of you to respect that and treat her like the goddess she is.”

Nate let out a bark of laughter. When Havoc remained serious, he quickly sobered. “Oh, I see. You’re not kidding. Are you sure that’s a good idea? There’s bad blood with her father, Christian. You know that.”

“Yeah, well, that’s my problem now, isn’t it?” Havoc shot back. “My father may have had bad blood with Desmond Monroe. That doesn’t mean I have to do the same. Maybe it’s time to leave the past in the past.”

Nate pushed his round glasses up on his nose. The sun glinted off his balding head. He was stocky and much shorter than Maverick had been. I saw no resemblance between them.

“Some things can’t be so easily forgiven or forgotten,” Nate advised. “Just don’t let a prime piece of pussy start making your decisions for you. Eventually, you’ll get bored of fucking her.”

My mouth opened in a silent gasp. Havoc’s reaction was much louder and far more obvious.

He grabbed Nate by the front of his jacket and jerked him close. Havoc spoke between clenched teeth. “Give me one fucking reason why I shouldn’t put you in the ground with my father right now. One fucking reason.”

Havoc threw a punch that had onlookers gasping as a murmur went through the crowd of gathered mourners. Nate went down on his ass, his glasses hanging awkwardly off his face, one of the lenses broken.

That wasn’t enough for Havoc. He grabbed Nate and dragged him back up. “If I ever hear you speak that way about Raina again, I will kill you myself. Do you understand?”

He waited for Nate to nod before shoving him away hard enough to make him trip over a headstone and fall again. Gage chuckled, enjoying the show. Taking my hand, Knight led me away from the chaos.
