Page 9 of Sinful God

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“Yeah, sure. I’ll get right on that.” I gritted my teeth as I tried to stay calm. I very much despised people getting in my face and telling me what to do. I’d learned how to fight as a kid. Admittedly, it had been a long time since I’d put it into practice.

Gage sat forward on his chair. His grin widened. “I don’t think she’s taking this seriously enough. We might have to punish her. How else will she learn?”

From the kitchen came Knight’s soft chuckle, like he knew what was coming. I stiffened.

“Screw you,” I spat. “I’m not a child. You can’t punish me for going out. I’m a grown ass adult.”

Havoc nodded thoughtfully. “I think Gage is right. You need to be punished. You were told to stay put, and you left anyway. You’ve really given us no other choice.”

A nervous twitch in the pit of my stomach made me sit up straighter. “You’re crazy. I’m not participating in this demented little punishment fantasy of yours.”

“You say that like you have a choice.” Gage’s dark tone drew my gaze to his. Having two different colored eyes made the crazed expression he wore extra maniacal.

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way,” Havoc said, towering over me. “Make your choice.”

His expression was hard, his jaw firmly set, shoulders tense and ready. He really meant this. Goddamn him. Goddamn all of them.

I looked to Knight to back me up. He’d drawn closer as the discussion turned to punishment. Judging by the excitement in his dark eyes, I wouldn’t be finding an ally in him.

I wasn’t about to sit there and take whatever sick punishment they cooked up for me. Leaning forward, I slammed a fist into Havoc’s sternum hard enough to make him double over. Then I shoved out of my seat and ran. I didn’t have many options. Hoping to lock myself inside, I ran for the washroom near the front door.

“Grab her,” Havoc grunted, sucking in a pained breath.

Both Knight and Gage were right behind me. I reached the washroom as Knight caught up. Before I could slip inside, he hip checked me aside. Gage was there to catch me as I lost my balance and fell. Together the two of them marched me back to where Havoc waited.

“Big mistake, Bad Girl.” Havoc’s tone was low and deadly. “When I get through with you, you won’t sit for a week.”

I frowned, not liking the sound of that. Havoc took a seat in the middle of the couch. The other two forced me to bend over across his lap. Oh, hell no. I thrashed against them, doing my best to break free. The three of them easily held me in place.

Perhaps the biggest shock was when my pants were suddenly tugged down, baring my ass to the room. I gasped. “What the fuck are you doing?”

A second later, I had my answer. Havoc’s hand landed against my ass cheek in a resounding slap. Motherfucker was spanking me? Wow. Surely he knew this meant retaliation.

While Gage and Knight held me splayed across his lap, Havoc spanked me several times. The initial pain was startling, although it quickly subsided into a satisfying sting. Not that I’d let him know that any part of this was enjoyable. I doubted that was his intent.

“You’re going to regret bringing me here,” I promised, biting my lip as another smack landed on my ass. “You all have to sleep sometime.”

“Is that a threat, Cherry Pie?” Gage shook his head and tsked. “Might have to take this punishment to the next level.”

He immediately began taking off his belt. My entire body flushed cold and then hot as I fought even harder to get free. There was no winning against the three of them. I knew that. Still, I had to try.

“I will slit your damn throat while you sleep, asshole. I swear to fuck I will.” I did my best to crane my neck and glare up at Gage.

I stared unflinching as he slid his belt off and slapped the leather end of it against his palm. Gage quirked a brow, enjoying the power he wielded. Pressing my lips tight together, I held back a yelp when the leather struck my flesh.

It definitely hurt more than Havoc’s hand. However, it wasn’t entirely unbearable. The third strike made me whimper, although I wasn’t sure if it was in pain or pleasure. Both. Definitely both.

“I think she’s enjoying this,” Knight said, sounding intrigued.

“Well, let’s just investigate, shall we?” Havoc’s hand descended between my legs, curving from my sore ass down to my pussy. His finger teased my entrance. “Soaking wet. I knew you were bad, Raina, but I didn’t know how bad. I can’t wait to find out all the nasty little things that make you tick.”

“Go to hell, Havoc.” My voice strained as I trembled with the effort to contain myself. I felt more than a little ashamed of the wetness between my legs. I didn’t want to like it.

Havoc’s response was to thrust his finger deep inside me. He pumped it into me several times. When Gage smacked me again with the leather belt, my pussy clenched tight around Havoc’s finger. How could she give me away like that?

“Oh yeah, she likes it,” Havoc chuckled. “Just how nasty are you, Bad Girl? What else turns you on?”

“Castrating toxic pieces of shit who deserve it,” I said, breathy and strained. “You’re at the top of my hitlist now, Havoc.”
