Page 101 of Bragg's Christmas

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My body heats at the ideas flying through my head. Damon raises an eyebrow. Darn. My face must be flushed and telegraphing every idea in my mind straight to him.

I ignore him and tell the gossip gals, “We’re on our way to the gazebo.”

Cayenne grins. “How exciting! Skye’s first Yule.”

“I can’t wait to see what she’ll pick,” Clove says.

“We’ll see you later,” I say in an attempt to shake them off, but I know it’s useless. They’ll follow behind us as we make our way through the crowds. Unless I can distract them.

“Oh no.” I point to Moon and Riley standing outside of Moon’s Diner. “Are they fighting?”

“Gossip gals, head out,” Sage orders and they rush off to the diner.

“You’re cruel,” Damon says but there’s a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes.

We continue down Main Street until we reach the town square.

“Nanny Love, why are there presents on the ground?”

I kneel in front of Skye. “What if I said you can pick one of those presents?”

Her eyes widen. “I can?”

“Yep.” I nod. “Just as soon as you help me and your daddy hide the presents we bought.”

“Daddy! Daddy!” Skye jumps up and down and pulls on Damon’s sleeve. “Give me the presents. We need to hide them.”

“This is why we brought presents?” Damon asks.

“Yep. Isn’t it wonderful?” I sigh. “My dad always brought me here on Yule. He let me pick two presents. One for me. And one for him. But the one for him was really for me. He was the best dad.”

Damon wraps an arm around my shoulder and tugs me near. “I’m sorry you lost him.”

“It’s been years. I should be over it.”

“Who says?”


“Screw everyone.”

I grimace. “Tried that. Didn’t work out well for me.”

He scowls. “Stop it. You didn’t screw everyone and we both know it.”

“Everyone else thinks I did.”

“Screw them.”

“There’s an awful lot of screwing going on in your life for being a professional assassin.”

He chuckles. “You’re crazy.”

“I’m from Winter Falls. It’s kind of a requirement.”

Skye jumps up and down in front of me. “Nanny Love, can I pick my present now?”

“You need to hide the presents we brought first.”
