Page 104 of Bragg's Christmas

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I brush her hair away from her face. “I’m due for a break.”

She frowns. “I’m not.”

“What’s wrong?” Skye’s at school this morning. She should have time to fool around.

“The contractor called. He has an opening in his schedule and can stop by to have a look at the roof to make an estimate.”

I help her to her feet. “You better get going.”

She hesitates. “I don’t know how long I’ll be. Can you pick Skye up from school?”

I kiss her nose. “Of course.”

Her smile lights up her face. I want to draw her near and kiss those pouty pink lips until she’s breathless, but I don’t want to detain her. I know how important it is for her to repair the house her dad left her. I settle for a quick hard kiss. Her eyes flare with heat and I groan. Such a temptation.

I smack her ass. “Get out of here before I change my mind.”

“I’m going. I’m going.”

“Good luck,” I call after her.

I set an alarm to remind me to pick up Skye and get back to work.

I huddle into my jacket as I walk the three blocks to the Winter Falls’ school to pick my daughter up. Love wasn’t kidding when she said I’m a wuss when it comes to the cold. In my defense, it’s freezing out here.

I make it to the school as the bell is ringing. Not a minute later my girl comes running out of the building, her blonde hair flying behind her.

“Daddy! Daddy!”

I pick her up and twirl her around. “Surprise!”

“Can I go on a playdate?” she asks once I set her down.

“With whom?”

She points to a little girl waiting behind her. “Meadow!”

I frown. Meadow is the little girl she fought with. And now she wants to go on a playdate with her?

A woman beside me clears her throat. “I’m Mrs. Evans, Meadow’s mother. We’d love to have Skye over. She’s welcome in our home anytime, Mr. Bragg.”

I study her. She appears genuine. “Okay.”

Skye and Meadow shout and jump up and down.

“But I need your contact details and Skye needs to be home by dinner.”

“Of course.” Mrs. Evans gives me her address and phone number before corralling the children toward her car. I wave to Skye as she skips away hand-in-hand with her friend.

I start to walk home, but then decide this is the perfect opportunity to stop by Love’s house. After all, it’s past eleven now.

I whistle as I climb the stairs to her porch. The door is open. I call Love’s name but when she doesn’t answer, I go inside to search for her.

I frown at the state of her living room. I don’t remember it appearing this dilapidated when I was here before.

“Love?” I shout as I climb the stairs to the second floor.

I notice the buckets full of water in the hallway and scowl. Love wasn’t kidding when she said she needed a new roof. I peek into the rooms as I pass, but there’s no sign of Love or her contractor.
