Page 107 of Bragg's Christmas

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I laugh but there’s no humor. “Except my daddy. He was the best.”

I clear my throat. I can’t be thinking about my dad today. “Anyway, I’m sorry.”

She pats my hand. “It’s okay. I’d want to steal Lyric, too, if he wasn’t mine.”

My phone beeps and I pull it out. A text from Damon. Relief courses through me. Damon will come. He’ll help. He’ll support me so I’m not alone. Except when I read the text, it’s not a message asking how I am or where I am. No, it’s the message I’ve been dreading.

We’re through.

My vision blurs as more tears form. Just when I started to believe in a happily ever after for us. My hands shake as I type in my response.


“It’s just like ninth grade,” I mutter.

“What do you mean?” Aspen asks and I jump. I forgot about her.

I sigh. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

I already know she doesn’t believe me. We were in the same grade at school after all. She knows what happened. She was there.

“Did Mr. Simon force himself on you?”

Now she’s asking? It’s nearly twenty years too late.

“No,” I snarl. “I jumped him to get a better grade. Don’t you remember?”

She cocks her head and studies me for a few beats before sighing. “I’m starting to think I was wrong.”

Lyric strides into the office before I can figure out how to respond. He leans against his desk in front of me.

“We went to your house but your contractor was gone. Peace made sure no one was in the house and locked up. He found these.” He hands me my purse and keys.

“Do you want to file a complaint?”

I open my mouth to respond but Aspen gets there before I can. “Of course, she’s filing a complaint.” She reaches over and grasps my hand. “Don’t worry. I’ll be here with you the entire time.”


My phone beeps with another message from Damon.

And you’re fired.

Aspen snatches my phone from me. “We’ll deal with this bullshit later.”

Bullshit? Did she read the message? Does she know I’m now jobless and my boyfriend dumped me?

“It’s not bullshit,” I whisper.

“Damon Bragg is an idiot if he doesn’t want you.”

There’s my answer as to whether she read the earlier messages. My face warms.

She points a finger at me. “Don’t you dare get embarrassed.Youare not allowed to be embarrassed. The asshole contractor who thinks he can put his hands on you without your permission should be embarrassed.” She raises her eyebrows. “As should Mr. Simon?”

I open my mouth to tell her to forget about Mr. Simon, but I snap it closed again. She shouldn’t forget about Mr. Simon. No one should. What he did was wrong and he should be held accountable.

I nod. “Yes, he should.”
