Page 124 of Bragg's Christmas

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“Our family is moving in here.”

“But we live at your house.”

He wraps his arms around me and sways me from side to side. “I know you want to live in your childhood home. The home you grew up in with your dad.”

I do. I can’t deny it. “But your house…”

“Was a rental.”

“But the roof leaks and don’t get me started on the kitchen.”

He kisses my nose before releasing me. “There’s a new roof.” He drags me forward past the living room to the kitchen. “And a new kitchen.”

My mouth drops open at the sight of the hunter-green cabinets, marble countertops, and brand-new stainless-steel appliances. I glide my hand along the marble. It’s smooth and more gorgeous than anything I could ever have imagined in here.

“Damon, what did you do?”

He wraps his arms around my middle from behind and perches his chin on my shoulder. “I made your childhood house intoourhome. Assuming you’ll let me and Skye live in here with you.”

I tap my chin as I pretend to consider the question. “I don’t know. What’s in it for me?”

“Orgasms. Lots and lots of orgasms,” he growls into my ear.

I shiver at the feel of his breath on my skin. I like this plan. I like it a whole lot.

“Ready to get started?”

One thing first. “Please tell me you made a girl’s room for Skye.”

“I updated your old childhood bedroom. I hope you don’t mind.”

My eyes itch. “I would love for her to grow up in my old bedroom.”

He grins at me. “I thought you would. I love you, Love Hill.”

“And I love you, Damon Bragg.”

“Can I come in now?” Skye shouts from the front door. She doesn’t wait for an answer before rushing inside. “Now are you my new mommy?”

I can’t speak due to the tears threatening to escape. I glance at Damon who nods in encouragement.

“If you want me to be,” I croak out.

“I do!” She throws herself at me.

I pick her up and cuddle her close. I’m never letting her go.

Damon clears his throat. “Let’s go show our daughter her new bedroom.”

At the words new bedroom, Skye scrambles out of my arms and rushes up the stairs. “I want to see!”

I sigh as I watch her. “We’re going to grow old in this house.”

“Damn straight we are.”

“Thank you, Damon. I can’t thank you enough.”

“There’s no need to thank me. But…” He waggles his eyebrows. “you can spend the rest of your life trying if you want.”

I want. I very much want. In the meantime, “Our daughter is waiting.”

A daughter I never thought I’d have. I never thought life could be this wonderful. I was wrong. Life can be more wonderful than I ever imagined. All thanks to finding the love of a good man and his daughter.

