Page 15 of Bragg's Christmas

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Riley frowns. “You don’t have anything to complain about either.”

She plants her hands on her hips. “Your twin didn’t have any doubts about his woman. Sound familiar? It shouldn’t since you are Mr. Doubter.”

Riley sighs. “Are you ever going to let it go?”

“And lose the chance to make you feel guilty at every opportunity? Have you met me?”

He draws her close. “I’ve met you. I know exactly what you—”

“Ahem.” I clear my throat. “Maybe keep the s-e-x and s-p-e-r-m talk to a minimum in front of my five-year-old daughter.”

“Daddy.” Skye tugs on my hand. “Can I go play on the playground?”

“Of course. Nanny Love will go with you. Be safe, sweetheart.” I kiss her nose. I motion to Love Hill who’s been hovering at the back door to lead Skye out of the room.

The second the door shuts behind them, the room explodes.

“How could you?” Mom shouts.

Moon rubs her hands together. “This is awesome!”

“What did I miss?” Peace asks as he strolls into the room with his fiancée, Olivia.

“This is the best baby shower,” Moon declares and Olivia high-fives her.

“I’ve got twenty bucks on Mom,” Riley says.

“No bet,” Brody responds. “I’m not betting against Mom.”

“Enough!” Mom yells and everyone snaps their mouths shut. “I want to know why my oldest child has a child of his own who happens to be five years old and this is the first I’m hearing about it.”

“Did you hear the one about—”

“No.” Mom slashes the air in front of Elder. “No jokes. No pranks. No twin antics. I want answers and I want them now.”

Lennon wraps an arm around her. “We’ll get you answers, Petal. Don’t you worry.” He narrows his eyes on me. “Start talking.”

And here I was worried the old hippie wasn’t a good match for Mom. It appears I may have judged too quickly. Here’s hoping no one judges me.

“I found out I have a child when a woman dropped Skye on my porch a few months ago.”

“The woman is Maria and the date was March fifth,” Brody adds and I snarl at him. “What? Details are important.”

“Stop spying on me.”

“I will,” he grins, “as soon as you stop hiding secrets from your family.”

I collapse on the sofa and my family gathers in the seats around me. “I barely remembered who Maria was. I couldn’t believe Skye was my daughter.”

“But she is your daughter?” Mom asks.

I nod. “Yeah. I had it confirmed with a DNA test.”

“And where is Maria now?” she asks.

“And why did she wait five years to let you know you’re a dad?”

I shrug at Elder’s question. “I honestly don’t know. She showed up on my doorstep. Told me I’m a dad. Handed Skye off and said she’d be back on Monday.”
