Page 24 of Bragg's Christmas

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Love Hill


I groan at the unmistakable sound of thunder. I guess I won’t be getting any sleep soon. I roll out of bed and make my way to the kitchen to gather some buckets.

I wander around the house placing them under the spots where I know the roof leaks. I need a new roof big time. Which is the whole reason I took the job with Damon to be Skye’s nanny in the first place.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining. Skye is an absolutely adorable little girl. Being her nanny is no hardship.

And then there’s Damon. He intrigues me more than any man I’ve met before.


A raindrop falls onto my forehead to remind me why I shouldn’t pursue my boss. Not if I want a new roof on my house sometime this decade.

I wipe the rain off my forehead and scoot the bucket over a few inches to ensure no more water ends up on the floor. I straighten and peer down the hallway. There are five buckets arranged on the floor.

Dad would be beyond disappointed in me if he could see the house he left me now. I never should have let the roof get this bad, but I didn’t have much choice. When Priscilla was living in this house, she refused to allow me to make any repairs as they’d ‘interrupt her beauty sleep’. Apparently, she couldn’t take a break from sleeping and spending Dad’s money.

Enough of this. Thinking about my step-witch never helps anything. At least I don’t have to share space with her anymore since she finally left Winter Falls. Too bad she left with the rest of Dad’s money.

I shuffle into my bedroom and fall onto the bed. Sleep will help. All the demons come out in the dark but they fade away in the daylight.

My phone rings before I can fall asleep. What now?

“Hello,” I answer without bothering to check who’s calling.

“Nanny Love,” Damon says, “can you come over?”

I sit up in bed. “What’s wrong? Is there an emergency? Do you need a doctor? I can ring Dr. Blue.”

“No need for a doctor but there is a bit of an emergency.”

“I’m on my way.”

I hang up and jump out of bed. I don’t bother getting dressed. I throw a sweatshirt on over my flannel pajamas, shove my bare feet into boots, and hurry outside.

As soon as the cold, wet air hits me, I swear. By the time I arrive at Damon’s house three blocks away, my hair is wet and plastered to my face. I’m soaked through and through.

I don’t bother knocking and rush inside. “What’s wrong?”

“No!” Skye screams.

She sounds terrified. Is there an intruder? I run up the stairs and burst into her room. I scan the area but I don’t notice anything untoward. Except for Skye standing on her bed, her face red and her hair in disarray.

“What’s going on? What’s the emergency?”

Skye notices me and launches off the bed into my arms. “Nanny Love! You’re here.”

I wrap my arms around her and hold her close as my hands roam her body searching for injuries.

Damon collapses on the bed. “I couldn’t get her to sleep.”

“Is it the storm?”

There hasn’t been a thunderstorm since I’ve been working for Damon. This time of year is usually more about snow than rain and thunder.

“Daddy wouldn’t read me a story,” Skye pouts.
