Page 45 of Bragg's Christmas

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I shove those morose thoughts away. They’re not helpful. Besides, morose thoughts are not allowed during the first snowfall of the season.

“I asked first. Didn’t your brothers tell you about Winter Falls?”

He sips on his hot chocolate before answering. “Honestly, I wasn’t paying much attention. Between finding out I’m a dad, discovering we have a half-brother we didn’t know about, and my brothers falling in love, I had enough on my plate.”

“Busy times. I guess it’s my duty to explain how the gossip gals are not to be messed with. They are the leaders of the gossip network and they also think they’re the best matchmakers in Colorado.”

“Matchmakers? How does it work? Do they have an office and single people sign up for their services? Do they have mixers?”

“Not even close. They decide on two people they think should be together without asking those people for their opinions and then they get all sneaky.”

“I don’t believe you. Give me an example.”

“You don’t think I have an example? Being an outcast doesn’t mean I don’t know what happens in my town.”

“I didn’t mean to imply you’re an outcast.”

I wave away his apology. I’m supposed to stop snarking at people.

“Forget what I said.” I wait for his nod before continuing. “Remember how there was only one bed at Soleil’s house?”

“Because my idiot brother Brody destroyed his bed.”

“True. What’s also true is Brody immediately ordered a new bed but the gossip gals cancelled the delivery. Thus, forcing Brody and Soleil into a whole one bed situation.”

Hmmm… I wonder if I could ask Sage to make my bed here at Damon’s house disappear. He’d be forced to sleep with me and before you know it clothes would disappear and his lips would be on my body and—

Nope.Stop it, Love!You are not seducing your boss. It’s rule number one in the ‘how to be a better person’-handbook.

“Wow,” Damon murmurs. “I think I’ve underestimated the gossip gals and their scheming capabilities.”

“I have more stories,” I begin and tell him all about how Sage and her crew have helped to pair up every couple who’ve gotten together in the past two years in Winter Falls.

I wonder who they have in mind for Damon. They must have found his match by now. He’s been in town for a few weeks. Normally, they’re revving to go after a day.

A big ball of something nasty forms in my stomach as envy and hate for an unknown woman grows. I want to be the woman with Damon.

I know I can’t be. I’m not good enough for this man. But I want to be his.

Chapter 16

I’m winning the bet on this project. ~ Message from Clove to the Gossip Gals

Love Hill

“Nanny Love! Nanny Love!” Skye screams before she jumps on my bed.

I push my hair out of my face. How did I get here? The last thing I remember is talking with Damon on the porch. Did I fall asleep?

I guess there’s a first time for everything. I’ve never been comfortable enough with a man to fall asleep with him. Not even after sex. I don’t sleep with my sexual partners. You have to trust someone to sleep with him. And trust doesn’t come easy to me.

“Wake up, Nanny Love.”

I grasp Skye’s leg and pull her down next to me before she bounces on the bed. “No bouncing on the bed. You might break it.”

“But you said we could go sledding and make angel men in the snow this morning.”

I tickle her ribs. “I did, did I? Are you sure you weren’t imagining things?”

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