Page 65 of Bragg's Christmas

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“Time to go,” Daisy says.

“Huh. I didn’t realize how quick the time went by.”

“You were pretty in the zone there.”

“You can pick your canvasses up in a few days once they’re dry,” Aspen calls out.

I clean up my workstation before heading to the front door. I had a good time tonight. It was a bit uncomfortable, but nothing I couldn’t handle. Maybe I need to get out more. Show the residents of Winter Falls there’s more to me than the supposed homewrecker.

I’m nearly out the door when Aspen shackles my wrist and hauls me near. “You might have the rest of Winter Falls fooled you’ve turned a new leaf, but I know the truth about you, Love Hill.”

I wrest my wrist free. “No, you don’t.”

My words sound confident but as I walk home, I can’t help playing in my head over and over again what happened between me and Lyric. How I single-handedly destroyed their relationship.

Maybe I don’t deserve a second chance after all.

Chapter 22

Who’s on Damon and Love duty? I’ve got a good feeling about tonight. ~ Message from Sage to the Gossip Gals

Love Hill

“What happened?” Damon asks when I return to his house.

I keep my attention focused on unlacing my boots. “What happened where? What are you talking about? I barely walked in the door.”

“You look like someone shot your dog.”

I rear back. “Shot my dog? I don’t have a dog. And who would shoot it? This is Winter Falls, not the Wild West. The entire town staged a sit-in when the police department started carrying weapons.”

He scowls and crosses his arms over his chest. “Stop avoiding the question.”

I toe off my boots and put my coat away. “What question?”

“What happened?”

I roll my eyes. “You pushed me out the door to attend paint and sip evening, so I went to paint and sip with the gossip gals and the rest of the ovary-toting members of Winter Falls.”

He coughs. “Ovary-toting?”

I shrug. “Sounds better than ‘the havers of boobs’.”

He chuckles. “Did you not have fun?”

“It was okay. Your mom was there.”

He rocks back on his heels. “She was?”

“Why do you sound as if you’re lying? You…” I frown when I realize there’s only one reason he’d be lying. “You asked your mom to go. No wonder she was late.”

He shoves his hands in his pockets. “You appeared a bit frazzled when you left the house.”


“Sounds better than scared out of your mind.”

“And yet you kicked me out the door.”
