Page 72 of Bragg's Christmas

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I curl my fingers in her channel while sucking as hard as I can on her clit.

Her eyes fly open and she gazes down at me. “I’m going to …”

I can’t order her to come. My mouth is busy. But I don’t need to.

“Yes,” she groans as her body clamps down on mine.

I continue to work my fingers in and out of her to draw out her climax. When she collapses on the bed, I pull out and lick my fingers before standing and pushing my jeans down. I grab a condom from my bedside table and roll it on before joining Love back on the bed.

“You ready for round two, Angel?” I ask as I notch my cock at her opening.

She gazes down at me. Her eyes are unfocused and she appears thoroughly satisfied. I could fall in love with that look. The thought has me startling.

Knock it off, Damon.Now is not the time for deep contemplation.

Chapter 24

All bets are closing soon. ~ Message from Sage on the Winter Falls Facebook page

Love Hill

The second I wake up, I know something’s wrong. I’m not in my bed and I’m not alone. How can I not be alone? I don’t sleep with men. Not sleep as in a euphemism for sex. No, sleep as in relaxing enough to trust to be out cold with another person in the room. That, I don’t do. Ever. Except…

I sniff and Damon’s musky scent fills my lungs. I stuff my fist in my mouth before I moan out loud. What have I done? I’ve ruined everything.

What was I thinking? Clearly, I wasn’t. I wanted to not think. The whole point was to stop thinking.

I inch toward the edge of the bed. Damon groans and rolls away from me. Phew.

Time to get out of here. I promise I’ll deal with the consequences. But not here. Not right now. Right now, I’ve got a little girl to get ready for a Christmas party.

I manage to shower and put on some clean clothes before Skye wakes. Considering how excited she is for today’s Christmas party, I’m surprised Damon got her to sleep last night at all.

“Good morning, Little Miss. How did you sleep?” I ask as I enter her room.

“Party time!”

I giggle. I guess her excitement hasn’t waned.

“What do you want to wear?”

Once Skye is dressed in a cute red dress with Christmas tights, we make our way to the kitchen for breakfast. I’m preparing her breakfast while she watches cartoons when Damon prowls into the kitchen. He stalks straight to me.

“What the hell, Love?”

I swallow. Is this when he fires me? Can’t I at least eat breakfast first?

“What the hell what?” I keep my gaze on the pan of eggs I’m scrambling.

He leans close until I can feel his breath on my neck. “You snuck out of my bed.”

“I didn’t want Skye to find me there. It would have been awkward.”

Because this situation doesn’t have awkward written all over it. There’s a reason my new name is Love Awkward Hill after all.

“Never again, Angel. Never again.”

Does he mean we’re never having sex again? That was the plan all along. I don’t want a repeat.
