Page 76 of Bragg's Christmas

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“Where’s Riley?” Damon asks before she can answer.

“Riley didn’t come today. But Santa did.” She winks. I guess we know who’s playing Santa today.

The door opens and Aspen enters with her baby boy on her hip. When she spots me, she scowls and hurries past with her husband trailing after her.

I glance away with a sigh. I noticeBake Me Happyhas a stand set up with baked goods and coffee. Good enough excuse to run away from memories of what I did to Aspen and Lyric. I motion toward it.

“Anyone want a coffee?” When Damon steps forward as if to join me, I hold up a hand. “Someone should watch Skye.” I can’t run away from memories with him on my heels.

“I’ll watch her,” Eden volunteers and thwarts my brilliant escape plan.

“Come on.” Damon urges me toward the stand.

We barely make it five steps before Sage steps into our path. “Good morning, Love Hill.”

Her cronies surround her. Oh no. What do they want now?

“Morning, Sage.” I try to sidestep her but she moves with me as if we’re dancing.

“Good morning, ladies,” Damon croons. “You’re looking particularly lovely this morning.”

Feather bats her eyelashes at him. “What do you think of our sweatshirts?”

They’re all wearing the same bright pink sweatshirts with the wordsGossip Gals Bring the Christmas Joywritten on them in gold lettering.

“I bet you bring the joy.” He winks.

They preen at his attention.

“And here we thought Riley was the charming Bragg brother,” Cayenne says.

He smirks. “Who do you think taught his little brother all the moves?”

“Ho ho ho!” Santa shoves his way into the middle of our little crowd. “Merry Christmas, sweet ladies.”

I groan. Are we going to have a contest of the sweet talkers? How do we know who wins?

Clove waggles her eyebrows at Riley. “Now, here’s a Santa I wouldn’t mind climbing down my chimney. Hubba hubba.”

Cayenne elbows her. “Ask Sirius to dress up. This Santa’s all mine.”

“Don’t worry, ladies. There’s enough of me to go around.” Riley waggles his eyebrows.

“How does Moon put up with you?” I grumble underneath my breath but he hears me.

“She loves me.”

“You certain it’s not because she’s as crazy as you are?” I point to where Moon’s dancing around the Christmas tree while Daisy’s fiancé Lennon playsRockin’ Around The Christmas Treeon his electric guitar.

“I believe my dancing partner is calling my name.” He bows and turns to leave but stops. “Almost forgot.” He digs a package out of his sack. “I have a present for you.”

Damon accepts the wrapped gift with a sigh and Santa skips off to the Christmas tree where he begins to dance the twist with Moon while Lennon playsFeliz Navidad.

“There must be eggnog somewhere at this party. Spiked eggnog,” I mutter as I watch them.

Damon chuckles as he throws his arm around my shoulders. “Darling Sage, where can I find some eggnog?”

At his question, Sage studies him. Her eyes zero in on his arm around my shoulder. I should shrug him off, but I don’t want to bring any more attention to how he’s touching me. Although, guessing by how wide her smile is, she hasn’t missed a thing.
