Page 95 of Bragg's Christmas

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I love this place. My dad used to take me skating here until Priscilla came into our lives and declared I was too old to go ice skating with my dad. That was the moment I knew having a stepmom was not going to be the fun addition to our family Dad had claimed she would be.

“You ready?”

I hold Skye’s hand and skate backwards on the ice.

“Don’t try to walk. Just glide.”

We slowly make our way around the rink with me skating backwards while Skye holds onto my hands.

“Faster, Nanny Love. Faster!”

“Try pushing off with your foot.”

I keep one eye on Skye as I help her and one eye on Damon who’s made it to the skating rink but is holding onto the boards for dear life. We stop in front of him.

“Did you see me, Daddy? I was skating!”

“Great job, squirt.”

He’s gripping the handrail with such force his knuckles are white while sweat beads on his forehead.

I swallow my humor and ask, “Do you want my help?”

“I got this.”

He totally does notgotthis but he’s an adult and can make his own choices. No matter how stupid they are.

“Okay. Come on, Skye. Another round. Maybe this time I’ll let go.”

We circle the rink two more times before stopping in front of Damon again.

“Why aren’t you moving, Daddy?”

“Yeah, Daddy, why aren’t you moving?” I mimic.

Damon frowns. “I can move. If I wanted to.”

“Come on, Daddy. We’ll go around together.”

“You stay with Nanny Love, squirt.”

We begin another round of the rink while Damon gathers his courage. He keeps one hand on the handrail as he slips and slides forward. I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing at him. He’s trying. He’s failing, but at least he’s trying.

Skye waves to him. He waves back. And promptly falls on his ass. I rush over to him.

He shoos me away. “I’m fine. I’m fine.”

I ignore him and help him to his feet. “You sure you don’t want my help?”

“I can do this. It’s like rollerblading on ice.”

He glides a few times while holding onto the rail. He’s actually not bad. If he weren’t the most stubborn man in Colorado and would accept my help, he’d be skating in no time.

“I got this,” he declares before releasing the handrail and increasing his pace.

He reaches the end and kicks out his right leg to go around the corner. His leg slips away from him until he’s nearly doing the splits. Instead of slowing down for the curve, he’s speeding up.

“Watch out,” I shout.
