Page 98 of Bragg's Christmas

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I grasp his arm before he can stand. “She’s five,” I remind him.

“Exactly. She’s five. She shouldn’t be having boyfriends.”


“Go get your shoes on, Skye,” I order her. “We don’t want to be late to see Grandma and Grandma Clementine.”

“Yeah!” She runs off to find her shoes. Lucky for me, five-year-olds are easily distracted.

I turn to Damon. “It doesn’t mean anything. They don’t kiss or even hold hands.”

“Atlas better not try anything with my little girl.”

“He won’t. He’s super shy. I don’t think he even knows he’s Skye’s girlfriend.”

He blows out a breath. “Okay. But Skye isn’t dating until she’s twenty-five.”

I snort. “Have fun with that.”

“I think you meanwe’llhave fun with that.”

My heart flips in my chest. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

“Who says I am?”

“Damon, we’ve barely started dating. You promised you’d take it slow.”

“I am.” He stands and offers me his hand. “Come on. We have a family dinner to attend.”

Dang. I nearly forgot about the family dinner. I guess today is drama day. First, Skye asks if I’m her new mommy. And now I have to attend dinner with the entire Bragg family.

“Naked wrestling is still on the table to help with your nerves.”

I shove him. “Knock it off. I’m not nervous.”

He chuckles. “And I’m not going to research who this Atlas boy is.”

“My boots don’t fit.” Skye stumbles into the living room wearing my boots.

“Probably because those aren’t yours.”

She peers down at them. “Oh.”

We fix her boot situation before walking the few blocks to Clementine’s house for family dinner.

Clementine isn’t technically part of the Bragg brood. She’s Peace’s mother. When the Bragg brothers arrived in town and claimed Peace as one of their own, she adopted the five of them and insisted they’re part of her family now. I think she’s amazing.

Damon knocks on the door but doesn’t wait for a reply before entering the house.

“The best Bragg brother has arrived.”

“Dude, I know. I’m already here.” Riley puffs out his chest.

“Why are you pretending to be a peacock?” Brody asks. “Everyone knows I’m the best Bragg brother.”

Daisy claps her hands. “I love all of my sons equally.”

“But I’m the favorite,” Damon says.
