Page 17 of Two Chances

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He sighed and snuggled in close.“Thank you,” he murmured, his breath hot on my chest.

“My pleasure.”I spoke the truth, having thoroughly enjoyed my job, no trace of boredom to be found.

But only because of a fantasy.It was for the best daydreams about having JJ beneath me, in me, remain buried in my head for when I needed a little inspiration.

I had no whole piece of my shattered heart left to give, and with JJ, there would be no holding back.

He would take everything, I had no doubt.



Ihated the nightlife scene.There were too many bodies.Too much noise.But for the first time, I was thankful as fuck that my lover had dragged my ass out to his favorite club and that I’d allowed myself to enjoy more than my usual two-beer limit.

It had been two weeks since Alex’s son Wesley had broken his arm.Fourteen days since I’d been livid at the man for disappearing without his electronic leash.He’d forgotten his cell at home that Saturday morning.His all-day meeting had supposedly been on a golf course then the clubhouse afterward, both of which he’d not bothered telling his wife about in advance.

Two nights after settling things between him and Teresa, he’d come to my house an hour before my bedtime and dropped to his knees to make up for how he’d upset me.

I’d forgiven him as usual—but something nagged at the back of my mind, keeping me on alert.It wasn’t the first time Alex had “forgotten” his cell phone.Years earlier before his marriage, he had exhibited similar behavior in his downward spiral with drugs, but he’d showed no signs of using when he’d finally arrived at the hospital.

Or when I’d picked him up for our date at his favorite club.

Seeing Kellen on the dance floor with a man much too young for him had stolen my attention thoroughly, setting aside all thoughts of what my best friend might be up to.

Alex had become nothing but a body, a nuisance…a ball and chain, in the moment my eyes had met Kellen’s.Sudden longing for more of Kellen had swayed me toward him and his partner, where they moved together in an erotic display of fully-clothed fucking.I wanted to rip the kid off Kellen and claim him.

I’d ached to touch him.Smell him.Fucking devour him.

And it definitely wasn’t just the alcohol talking.That man did something to me…made me lust to behave like a damned animal.

The few minutes I’d been allowed to rub against his backside, clutch his hips in my hands, had been nothing short of perfection.I allowed myself to dream of a different life in those brief moments.One where Alex didn’t have a hold over my soul.One where Kellen would be open to exploring the palatable connection between us.One where I wouldn’t feel guilt for fucking someone other than the man I loved.

A hand grasping my hard length pulled me back to the present, to the man who had his claws so deeply embedded in me I would never be free.

Somedays, I really hated the engrained loyalty I’d been taught as a young teen by the man who’d taken over as the father figure in my life.

Alex plastered to my backside, fondling my dick as we moved together with the bass.Music thumped in my ears in time with my heartbeat.The sense of Kellen and his dance partner no longer sent shivering currents over my skin.

I had led us away intentionally after hearing Kellen’s partner.

Nothing more than a client.

I had managed to slip my card in Kellen’s back pocket.I hoped he found it, called, or at least texted because I needed…moreof him regardless of how my integrity told me to stay away.

“I wanna fuck.”Alex’s whiskey-laced breath wafted over my cheek from where he’d propped his chin on my shoulder, his hand giving my bulge a squeeze.

My dick bucked in his hold.

I needed release too, but for the first time, it wasn’t my long-time lover’s body I wanted spread out for me to feast upon.It had been Kellen’s firm ass against my groin that had gotten me worked up, but my hole was desperate to be filled too.

My best friend was ready and willing—for once atmydisposal.

Fuck it.I would gladly take advantage of his availability like he always did to me.

I grasped Alex’s hand and led him toward the back hallway and darkness beyond, a little more buzzed than I usually allowed myself when out in public.The bathroom’s stalls had been renovated with enough space for what half of the men gyrating on the dance floor hoped to acquire before night’s end.

A hole to fuck or a dick to suck.
