Page 29 of Two Chances

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“Fuck.”He kissed my damp skin, licking over my clavicle where he’d sucked on me.

We were wrapped up in a bubble of our own where nothing existed but a communion of satisfied pleasure.Addictive bliss I hadn’t felt in… I couldn’t remember how long.Had I ever experienced such a soul-deep connection?Especially after fucking, where all my puzzle pieces had found their place and no questions littered my thoughts?

The hairs rising on the back of my neck while JJ continued to rain kisses over my shoulders suggested I escape from beneath him.Gain some space from his overwhelming presence.

I couldn’t move.

JJ hooked our ankles together and tried to bury his spent dick a little deeper inside me, the bulk of his hot muscles tightening briefly atop me.He felt too good tangled up with damn near every inch of my body.

“Could stay here all night,” he murmured against my neck, stating the very thought I had.

The wetness of my cum beneath me wasn’t exactly pleasant though.

“How uncomfortable is that puddle of spunk, hmm?”he asked and nipped my lobe.

I chuckled, enjoying how our minds aligned.“Very, but I’m too blissed out to give a shit.”

JJ’s huff of laughter against my ear caused goose bumps to skitter down my arms.“Give me a second, and I’ll clean you up.”

He was the paying customer, but I didn’t have it in me to argue he shouldn’t be the one giving aftercare regardless of the fact I’d bottomed.

Backing out slowly left my ass gaping, and JJ slid down over sweat-damp skin until his chest rested on the backs of my thighs.He gripped my ass cheeks and spread me open.

“Look at that.”He licked over my slack hole, and I grimaced over the thought of lube in his mouth, even though his tongue was sublime on my swollen, sensitive flesh.

JJ didn’t seem to mind the taste, soothing my stretched ring until my dick attempted to twitch back to life.

“Goddamn.”He sat back and slapped my right cheek.“Fuck, everything about you is hot.”

The praise spilling from him swelled something inside my chest.Scary as fuck, a feeling I knew I should run from, but my body still refused to budge.

It was as if every muscle in me said a bigfuck youto my brain stem, choosing instead to bask in the afterglow of the best lay of my life.

Because it had been that very thing.Mind-altering.Soul-filling.

Eyes clenched shut, I listened as JJ cleaned up in the bathroom, attempting to block the thoughts in my head.I succeeded easily by focusing on the tingles of pleasure lingering in my limbs.Sorelaxed.Sated.A heavy sigh rippled through me.

A minute later, the bed once more dipped, and I spread my legs when he tapped my thigh.He took his time wiping spit and lube from my ass, and when he murmured for me to roll over, he cleaned up the cum smeared all over my abs too.

He studied my flaccid cock while wiping the warm towel over me, and I stared at his face as he did.No lines furrowed his brow.A soft smile curved his lips, and when he tossed aside the towel and sat to gaze over the rest of me, I shivered again.

JJ trailed his fingertips from my hip to my chest, lingering a bit to tweak my tightening nipple.

He was an unselfish lover, something Xavier was not.Continuing to compare the two men would be like counting the differences between day and night, summer and winter.They were polar opposites…and I didn’t even know JJ that well.His actions had proven his character though.

Why wasn’t he married or with a partner?From what I’d seen, the man was a total catch.

“Who was the blond?”I heard myself ask for a second time as the memory of him flitted through my mind.They’d seemed cozy and comfortable dancing at the club.If I’d had to bet money they were more than acquaintances I would have, regardless of JJ claiming they weren’t together.

“Alex Berset.My best friend,” JJ answered, withdrawing his touch to rest his hand on his leg he’d pulled up onto the bed to angle toward me.“We’ve been lovers for over ten years.”

Talk about brutal honesty.I fucking loved that JJ didn’t hold back, but the questions that arose from his blunt statement cluttered my thoughts.

“Ten years, but you’re not…more than friends with benefits?”

“No.”His lips thinned for a second as he glanced around the suite that suddenly seemed too quiet.“He’s married to a woman, but they have an open relationship.”

Well, shit.
