Page 31 of Two Chances

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I got lost in his eyes while stretching his hole to take me.Continued to study his satisfied expression as I slowly sank into his tight heat.

Without a word, he clasped my cheeks and pulled me down to claim my mouth, wrapping his heels around my ass and holding me close.We made love—there was no other explanation for how we moved together.Slow and tender strokes, caressing hands.Hungry yet unselfish mouths tasting whatever flesh we could reach without creating space between our heated bodies.

“You come first,” I murmured against his mouth, once more covered in sweat and desperate for oxygen.

He gave me what I asked for, my name a gasped plea on his lips that I swallowed down to keep with me forever.



Asking Kellen to fuck me face-to-face wasn’t the smartest thing I’d ever done.His agreeing and loving on me with complete openness left me sated but also broken.My emotions bleeding.

He’d stroked me so damn good, playing my body like a master.Bringing me to climax without effort.

But goddamn, did I ache deep inside where no one had touched me before—and not my ass, either.

Kellen lay atop me, spent and catching his breath while I continued to cling to him with arms and legs wrapped around his back.His thickness was delicious in my ass, still full even though he’d come moments after I had.

A heavy exhale expanded his ribcage inside my hold, and I expected only seconds remained until he once more got all up in his head.

But I would be right there with him.

What we’d shared…fucking hell, it was ten times the connection I’d ever felt with Alex.I loved my best friend, but was it possible I wasn’t…inlove with him?How did the emotions I experienced with both men differ so vastly?Why had I gotten so caught up in a man I barely knew?

Was it because he was something new?A fresh influx of experience I’d been missing for over a decade?

No.There was a tangible tether between us that couldn’t be denied.I could fucking feel it in every cell that made up my body.

And it scared me enough I grew antsy.

As though on the same thought train leading to chaos and confusion, Kellen stiffened in my hold.

I loosened my limbs, hating the chill, the sense of loss from him pushing up off me.My ass didn’t ache, was simply empty from the gentle way we’d found completion together.

“My turn,” he muttered, stumbling toward the bathroom.

I stared after his fine backside, pushing aside all worries and focusing instead on the euphoria still coursing through my blood and tingling my skin.Reality could wait.I had until eight in the morning before Kellen would walk away—probably never wanting to see me again.

What we’d done had stirred up emotion inside him.I’d seen it before asking him to take me in that position.I’d done so deliberately too, selfishly needing all of him in that moment.

He returned, not making eye contact while wiping my cum off my stomach.

Since it was my night, my dollar, I took the cloth from him when he finished, tossed it aside, and tugged him down so he lay on his side in front of me, facing the wall.

“Cuddle time,” I murmured against his hair.“Then a shower where you’re going to fuck me again.Punish my ass for making both of us feel too much.”

Kellen stiffened again as though I’d stated truth, but I knew I did.I’d seen it in his eyes.Sensed his withdrawal emotionally when he’d slipped his semi from my sensitive hole.

“Shh,” I murmured, wrapping my arm tight around his chest and sliding my leg between his.“Let me hold you.”

He did, and I got to enjoy the peaceful quiet of snuggling with a man for the first time since…college, maybe?

I rubbed my thumb in circles over his thick pec, listening to his breaths, enjoying the thump of his heartbeat beneath my palm with a cadence that matched my own.Kellen was deliciously warm, all hard muscle but soft skin.Burrowing my face against the back of his neck, I breathed in the natural scent of him, my cock tempted to rouse for a third round.

Wasn’t happening anytime soon though.The horny twenties were long gone, but I soaked up the affection he gifted me in lavishing on his body, something Alex always refused.

I allowed myself a few brief moments to consider my best friend but more specifically how he denied me my needs.How, except for that fuck in the club bathroom while I’d been thinking about Kellen, our love life had grown stale.Almost…boring, to the point sex with him had become a chore.
