Page 64 of Two Chances

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“I know, and I’m so fucking sorry.”I stepped closer, and he didn’t stop me.Moving right into his personal space, I lightly clasped his hips and pressed my forehead to his, taking care to keep my thickening dick away from his body.I couldn’t give in to lust.Not when I was attempting to prove myself and the truth of what I wanted with him.

His hands found my shoulders, but he didn’t push me away.

Warmth radiated between us along with shared want.Hope rose inside me, and I soaked in the moment, breathing in the scent of bergamot and citrus atop the smoky bacon to my right.

We shared breaths, their heightened quickness as obvious as the desire zapping the small space between us.He was so damn delicious.Addictive.

I needed just a small hit—

“Breakfast,” he whispered as I made up my mind to press my lips to his.

I sighed and peeled my hands off him.“Yeah—okay.”I stepped back, giving him the space he’d asked for rather than physical affection, which might cloud his mind.I had to put his needs first, show him that I wasn’t just there for his dick or the luscious hole I couldn’t wait to taste again.

We finished getting the scrambled eggs and toast together before sitting down to eat in silence.Halfway finished, Kellen finally broke the more comfortable quiet that had settled between us since our semi-hug.

“How did you find me?”

“Mason first—then your mom.”I explained about his friend helping me out, then how Sharon had threatened my life.

He chuckled, the sound like warm sunshine on my face.“Shewouldtoo,” he assured me when I told him what she promised to do if I hurt her baby boy.“And yet you still came.”

I held his stare, both of us with soft smiles on our faces.“Wild horses couldn’t keep me away, baby.”

Kellen squirmed and went back to his food, his lips flatlining once more.

Grinning at how his ass shifted on the chair, I did the same thanks to the sudden tightness in my pants.He might notwantto want me, but he did.I could work with that.“Tell me what you’ve been doing up here the past couple of weeks without internet or TV.Aren’t you bored to death?”

He recounted all the projects he’d completed, true contentment settling on his face, the likes of which I’d never seen.Part of me was happy for him, that he might have found where he felt he belonged, but the bigger part of me hated he was over three hours away from where I needed him.

By my side.In my bed every damned night.

“Plan on heading back to Boston anytime soon?”I had to ask.

“Not sure,” he said with a shrug.“Obviously, I took a break from Elite.I have enough money saved up that I could live here without having to worry about expenses for quite a while.I’ve been thinking about it, honestly.But the cabin isn’t a permanent home any more than the farm.I’m still waiting for an epiphany or something to help me make up my mind.”

Kellen sat back in the kitchen chair, toying with the handle of his empty coffee mug.“I moved to Boston for Xavier, not because I enjoy living near the city.Then I stayed to get back at him by dropping to my knees and allowing men to fuck me like he’d given himself to that jackass, Teddy.”

I wanted to reach over the table, grab him, and drag him into my arms.Show him thatIcared.That I would never make him feel like a second choice.

But that was exactly what I’d done, and I hated myself for it.

“There’s no rush,” I stated rather than trying to talk him into going back to Boston for me.That was the last thing I wanted.He needed to decide that for himself—not another man even if I did have his best intentions at heart.

We cleaned up and headed south into town to pick up supplies to finish his current project.He’d gutted the second floor bathroom to the studs the previous couple of days, and although I didn’t have any experience in construction, I offered myself to be his slave helper.

After hauling the purchases up the stairs, we made sandwiches and set to work.I kept conversation light, and it flowed, same as that first night we’d lain in bed and talked for hours.

Until dinnertime rolled around, Kellen seemed comfortable with me.We both showered in the downstairs bathroom—separately, unfortunately—but after dinner in front of the fire, quiet once more crept in along with familiar yearning.

Our eyes caught, and he sipped his beer to give himself something to do.I stared, drinking in the sight of him until he shifted.

“Don’t look at me like that,” he muttered.

“Like what?”I asked, excitement sizzling in my bloodstream.

“Like you want to strip me down and love on every inch of my body.”A flush rose on his cheeks.

“Fuck.”I adjusted my thickening dick intentionally, getting off on how his gaze dropped to my groin.

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