Page 70 of Two Chances

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Fuck that face-to-face I felt I owed to my soon-to-be ex-best friend.He’d proven he didn’t have time for me, so I was done making it for him.

I’d already figured out the gist of what I wanted to say to Alex in person, so the explanation came easily as I typed it on screen.Without mincing words, I let him know that I was done—with his lies, his manipulations, with him dragging me along behind him while he spiraled.Our physical relationship had already been over for going on two months.I told him that I would watch over his family the best I could because I saw them as partly mine but was no longer available for him to call in his time of need.

That was it.

End of.

I set aside my cell as a heavy weight seemed to slip off my shoulders.Once more, I sagged onto the couch, reflecting on my decision.It had been the right one, my gut told me.While it hurt having to cut someone from my life, I didn’t mind the pain.For years, I’d been nothing but a convenience for him, but someone had turned me in a new direction and had officially taken me off the market.

He just didn’t know it yet.

With Kellen, texting wouldn’t do to catch him up to date on where my—our—lives headed.

What sounded like sleet pinged against my house, and I climbed off the couch to check the weather.Dark hung over the sky, the streetlights barely holding back the inky shadows.Rain and sleet slashed sideways in the weak light, and a shiver slid over me at the chill from being so close to the windows being pelted with ice.

I needed to get replacements soon.

Flicking on my outside lights, I got a good look at my driveway.The sleet had started to stick, creating what appeared to be a slick surface.Driving conditions would suck due to the nor’easter barreling in, but even if I wanted to head north to get my man, I wouldn’t be able to.

I pressed the switch back down, leaving my front yard to the brewing storm, and turned away.

Even though I’d passed out on my couch earlier, my bed called my name.

After work on Tuesday, if the weather allowed and Kellen still hadn’t gotten back to me, I would take a trip north.I would invite myself for Thanksgiving and show up bearing gifts, so Sharon wouldn’t turn me away even if Kellen wished to.

Then, I would weasel into his heart one way or another.Prove to him that he was it for me.

Alex didn’t respond to the novel I’d texted him, but I wasn’t surprised as I climbed into bed, my next three steps settled in my mind.

Telling Siri to turn onDo Not Disturbon my cell, I pulled my comforter up beneath my chin and closed my eyes.The storm raged outside, but for the first time in months, calm rested in my soul in knowing the path I planned for the future would bring the contentment I’d been wishing for most of my adult life.

The storm had cleared during the night, leaving less of a mess than predicted by the weathermen.But New England had a saying…if you don’t like the weather, wait a minute.

While the early news droned in the background, I poured myself a cup of coffee, feeling fully rested and ready for the workday to be over so I could drive the long journey to get in Kellen’s face.I planned to tell him he was mine and I was his, and he wasn’t ridding himself of me.

Elation bubbled in my gut from playing the scene over in my head but also left me with a semi too.I couldn’t wait to hold him, to breathe in his citrus scent.Feel his warm skin on mine, his heart beating against my chest.I wanted his taste coating my lips, the flavor of his cum on my tongue.

“Jesus,” I hissed, pressing down on my fully awake dick.

“…drug raid last night that left one officer in critical condition.”

The news anchor’s voice made me turn toward my TV, and I immediately recognized the area where she stood.


Big surprise considering she reported about a drug bust.But anytime an officer got hurt in the line of duty, my ears perked up, and I paid attention.He wasn’t being named, as the family hadn’t yet been notified, but the live feed cut to an earlier recorded video.Miserable weather from the night before smeared the camera’s lens as they’d caught the live action, but I sipped my coffee and watched as a handful of men were led from an apartment building near where I’d found Alex beaten half to death.


I choked on my coffee and set aside my cup, hurrying into the living room to get a better look at the screen.

“Oh fuck.”I swallowed hard at the sight of my ex-lover in cuffs.He had his head down, but there was no mistaking the man I’d known most of my life.

The reporter stated six men had been arrested, naming each and every one.Alex was the final listed, but I hadn’t held out hope my eyes played tricks on me.

Muttering curses, I rubbed my hand over my face then stood with my fists propped on my hips as the rest of the story she’d managed to gather attempted to filter through the buzzing in my ears.

A fucking meth lab.Thousands of dollars’ worth of drugs seized.A shoot-out that had left one policeman fighting for his life.
