Page 85 of Two Chances

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Icame awake slowly, immediately aware I wasn’t alone.A heavy thigh lay atop mine, warm exhales ghosting over my neck.

My Kellen.

Groaning, I squeezed him tight, smiling and completely happy.He snuggled the hell out of me even in sleep, the clingy bastard.

I fucking loved it.


Humming from the overflowing joy inside my chest, I rolled into his embrace so we pressed together from chest to toes.

He blinked sleepy hazel eyes at me, a slow smile curving his luscious lips as he came awake.

“I love you,” I whispered while running my hand up his back to clutch at his shoulder.“More than anything—anyone, ever.Even when we aren’t fucking around, you fill my heart up to the point it aches.Oh…and sorry about the morning breath.”I smacked a smooch on his lips.

He pinched my ass, and I yelped, jerking my head back.“Love you too,” he stated with a smirk, his eyes twinkling.

“Fuck, you’re so damn fine.”I studied his face.The flush on his cheeks, the sleep line across his temple.The scruff lining his jaw.

“Mmm,” he hummed, grabbing my ass cheek to hold me tighter against his morning wood.“You too.”

We shared unhurried kisses, grinding our cocks together until pre-cum oozed from us both and breaths grew heavy.

“I wanna make another mess,” he murmured against my mouth.

“You first,” I told him—and he gave me what I wanted, the heat of his spurting spunk and moans taking me with him into euphoric bliss.

That entire day, I was treated like a member of the Roberts’ family.I sat beside my lover at the dinner table, our hands on each other’s thighs whenever possible.Couldn’t keep from touching my man with the thankfulness that flooded my heart.

Friday, the entire clan went to a tree farm and cut down Christmas trees.The grandkids helped Kellen’s parents decorate theirs while the rest of us drank hot chocolate and gorged on leftover turkey, all the sides, and pumpkin pies.

Saturday, I heard the family stories.Thumbed through the picture albums.Finally memorized everyone’s names.We spent the afternoon playing football in the backyard, our breath fogging, fingers freezing, and noses running.Even the younger kids got involved.We used old dish towels as our flags rather than tackling one another on the frozen ground.Brian acted as quarterback for both teams, so we ended in a tie.

I’d never smiled so much in my goddamned life.

By the time Sunday afternoon rolled around, the grandkids called me uncle when saying goodbye to us.

No one corrected them, and they all drove away, faces pressed to windows, hands still waving at me, Kellen, Gram, and Grandpa.

Hearing that honorary title stung twofold—being accepted as part of the family, and the reminder of the two boys I wondered when I would see again.Would they remember me?Would the memories we’d made together eventually fade from their little minds?

I’d texted Teresa on Thanksgiving day, and it had taken her until Sunday afternoon to reply.She’d included a picture of the boys sitting with their grandparents, their laughter captured in bright color.

While the truth they were happy at least for that day had settled me somewhat, I still thought of them.Hoped the best for them.

Leaving my lover early the next morning physically hurt—like an aching chest that had my hand pressing on it while driving back to Boston in the pre-dawn hours kind of hurt.

I hadn’t been able to tear myself away from Kellen on Sunday, so I had stayed the night.We both set our phone alarms to get me up long before the sun, so I would make it into headquarters by eight.

The wicked early morning drive meant no traffic, but the hours dragged by without being in Kellen’s presence.Days slid past even more slowly, but Kellen drove into town from the cabin he’d gone back to every other day so we could talk on the phone.

He went to look at the property northwest of the farm that Jacob had told him about and quickly closed the deal, investing his hard-earned money—pun intended—on over fifty acres, half of which had been turned into a campground I couldn’t wait to see.

After our holiday weekend together, every night spent messing up the sheets we laundered daily at his parents’, I urged him to do what his heart dictated.

“I want to love you,” he’d responded.

“You can do that with some distance between us while you move forward with the purchase,” I’d assured him.
