Page 110 of Lust

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“Enough.” Eddie wound her neck back in and modulated her tone. “One. Two. Three.” She snapped her fingers. “All eyes on me.”

“Spectacular,” Wrath murmured.

And that was kinda nice and made her feel a little fuzzy inside toward him. With all angels and princes staring at her, she didn’t have time to enjoy the situation. “Now,” she said, in the voice she saved for refereeing Lillian and Peter, “this is not helping. And I think we can agree, we have bigger problems to focus on.”

Gabriel recovered first. “I have a list.”

Everyone groaned.

Undeterred, she surged forward. “Item one: the war between Wrath and Shade.”

“He started it,” Wrath and Shade yelled.

“Item two.” Gabriel raised her voice. “We have demons missing from hell.”

Ramiel turned to Wrath. “You’re missing demons? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Judgy,” the dark-haired, black-eyed beauty murmured.

“We’re all missing demons,” Lucifer drawled, and stretched his arms over the back of the sofa. “We’re shedding them like fucking semiplumes.”

Eddie made a mental note to look up what semiplumes were, but everyone else seemed to get the reference so she kept her question inside.

“Leviathon?” Gabriel turned to the dark beauty.

She crossed her arms and nodded.


A diminutive silvery blonde stood quietly against the microwave. “I thought it was just me.”

“Are you going to go through each one of us?” Lucifer yawned and stretched his arms above his head.

“Gabriel.” Raguel cleared his throat. “According to my reports, each demonarchy is missing members. There has also been a sharp increase in demon activity on the earth plane. Our angels are monitoring it, but it seems extensive.”

“Well, fuck.” Michael grunted. “That can’t be good.”

“You think?” Zeb, who Eddie rather thought must be Beelzebub, gave him a flat stare.

“Do you have actual numbers?” Gabriel glared at Raguel.

He shook his head. “Not as yet, but I’m working on it.”

“I don’t see what you expect me to do without accurate data.” Gabriel scowled at Raguel before jabbing her forefinger at her tablet. “I need accurate data.”

Shade smirked. “What you need is a good fu—”

“Is there anything else on your list?” Eddie was not having another explosion in her theatre.

“Right.” Gabriel straightened her lapels. “Item three.”

Lucifer groaned. “How long is this list?”

“Item three.” Gabriel pinned him with an admonitory stare. “The hell seals are breaking. All of them.”

Absolute silence descended.

Wrath stared at Gabriel. “Shouldn’t that have been item one?”
