Page 118 of Lust

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“A lot.” Shade shrugged one shoulder. “And a stronger demon or a hell prince can end a demon. Although you might be able to, given who sired you. But you need to either crush their hearts or rip their heads off. Anything else, and they simply recover.”

“Tough bastards.” Dee sniffed and jammed her hands in her pockets. She eyed the two hordes following them. “I wouldn’t want to take on this many, but we were trained how to fight them at the guardian institute.”

That was news to Eddie. Dee had been typically light on what went on at guardian training camp. “You were trained to fight demons?”

“And angels.” Dee nodded. “Guardians are aware of being the weaker party, and it makes them nervous.”

“They weren’t in any danger.” Wrath huffed. “Until they attacked my daughter.”

A grumble of assent rose from Wrath’s horde.

He was getting very comfortable with the D word. It wasn’t bothering Eddie as much as it had when she’d first heard it. And Wrath wasn’t technically wrong about the daughter thing. She looked at him striding beside her like a conqueror across Shade’s demesne. “I have questions.”

“And I have answers.” Wrath nodded. “Not all the answers, but some.”

It didn’t seem like a conversation they should have with everyone listening, so she nodded and kept walking. She also should be removing her hand from Shade’s, but if felt oddly comforting, so she left hers in his.

The border between the two demesnes was surprisingly close, and they reached it after only half a day of walking. She stepped over the border and into an entirely different place. The two hordes crossed the border in the dull tramp of heavy feet and the clank of weapons.

Shade’s demons looked a bit uncomfortable, but they kept moving.

Power prickled over her skin and settled into her muscles.

Wrath’s demesne was different from Shade’s and reflected his different temperament. The landscape here was rocky and mountainous. Soaring forests of hardy trees crowned the cliffs around them. Heat from a red sun in a cloudless purple sky beat down on the earth, and dust rose in ochre puffs as they walked. A raging torrent tore through the ravine to their right, foaming and hissing and sending a fine spray of mist into the air. It was the sort of place that almost demanded she strap on a backpack and some hiking boots and conquer it.

Their route led them up an incline and between treed, towering cliff faces before disgorging them onto a wide, craggy plain. A fortress guarded the plain from its position atop a hill.

Wrath pointed. “My home.”

It made perfect sense. The place looked impenetrable with towering ochre walls standing sentinel. If you had a temper and a habit of making war on your neighbors, you’d need strong walls.

As they approached the fortress, arrow slits opened and crossbows appeared, which seemed to be unfortunately aimed at their heads.

“No need to worry,” Wrath said and stepped in front of their party.

A pause followed, and then a portcullis creaked up. Behind it, heavy towering doors opened. More demons stood inside the fortress and bowed their heads as Wrath entered.

He ignored them and kept walking across a cobbled courtyard toward a stone staircase. Another large set of wooden doors opened as they ascended.

A large second, smaller courtyard with twin fountains lay on the other side. Lush plants softened the space and made it less utilitarian. Intricate and beautiful mosaics broke up the floor and ringed the top of the pillars. It was simple and beautiful at the same time, and Eddie approved. Whereas Shade’s castle had felt like a shrine to pleasure, this one was a balance between pragmatism and beauty. It suggested a gentler side to Wrath.

A demoness in a medieval gown appeared through an arched doorway. Clasping her hands in front of her, she bowed her head. “Master, we have made preparations for your guests and for the honored daughter.”

“Good.” Wrath stopped beside her. “May I introduce you to Vexia? She is my steward and house manager.” He turned to Vexia. “You are familiar with Asmodeus. This is the guardian Deandra, who is also the grandmother of my daughter.” His beaming smile was warmer than the sun overhead as he looked at Eddie. “And this is the Nephilim, Edme.

Vexia clasped her hands and bowed her head again. Her long red hair was neatly braided down her back, and other than her pale skin and tawny cat eyes, she looked almost human. “This home is honored by your presence. Your wants are my wants, your needs are my needs. You have but to ask, and it shall be done.”

Wrath unbuckled his sword and handed it to Vexia. “I think a cool bath and some refreshments in their rooms would be a good start.”

She bowed again and vanished into thin air.

“So cool,” Dee breathed, and Eddie couldn’t have said it better.

“She’s a higher order demon,” Shade said. “They have some nifty tricks and look closer to human.”

Wrath motioned them deeper into the home. “This way.”

“Huh.” Shade looked around him. “I always liked this place.”
