Page 123 of Lust

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“Colorful.” Shade grinned. “And I cannot change the way I look at her. It is beyond my control.”

Eddie stared at Shade. What did that even mean? Beyond the rather obvious Valmont dialogue. “You want to look at the seals?”

“Yes.” Shade’s gray eyes swung her way and softened. “There’s going to be a lot of emotion for you to carry as you get closer to the wrath seal. And because it’s your birth seal, it’s going to be worse than my seal.”

It would take a while before Eddie forgot the way unadulterated lust had consumed her, and she’d been standing across the room from it.

“I can help with that because of our shared blood.” Wrath put a hand on her shoulder. “I can bear the wrath for you if you agree to allow me to link with you and carry the burden.”

“What does linking mean?” She looked to Shade for her answer. Wrath may be her biological father, but Shade had been the closest thing she’d had to an ally since the entire mind fuck had gotten rolling.

Shade glanced at Wrath before turning back to her. “It means allowing him inside your inner being. He will be able to feel what you feel, think what you think, experience what you experience. He means to take the wrath from you and channel it through himself.” He shrugged. “It will help, but I understand how you feel about hell princes having access to your inner being.”

“What did you do?” Wrath shoved Shade’s shoulder.

Shade barely moved. “I did some…inadvisable things when I first met Eddie.”

“Did you hurt her?” Wrath crowded Shade.

“He didn’t hurt me.” Eddie was now officially cast in the role of peacekeeper. “But he did…never mind.” She turned back to Wrath. “You can help me when I get closer to the seal?”

“Yes.” He nodded but kept his glower on Shade. “It will make the emotion more manageable for you. I am wrath. The emotion is part of me and easier for me to manage. And as you came from me…” He shrugged.

Shade snorted. “Although, once you’re done, he may start a major war to mitigate the effects.”

“No wars.” Eddie was clear on that point. Her entire purpose here was to avoid war. “Or we don’t do a damn thing.”

Wrath nodded. “No war, daughter. This I vow to you.”

“Okay then.” Eddie didn’t relish going up against a seal again, but the end of life as she knew it provided enough incentive to get her nodding again. “Now?”

Shade grimaced. “The sooner the better, Eddie. With the seals unstable, they will be affecting other areas of creation.”

“You mean like earth?” The way the lust seal had affected her taking place on a global scale was terrifying to contemplate.

He nodded. “Damaged seals will leak what they contain through to earth.”

And she was meant to stop that. Sheer, unadulterated panic swept through her. She wasn’t the heroic type. She was pretty sure she was the find somewhere good to hide type. For fuck’s sake, she managed a community theatre in rural Ontario. Now the fate of the world rested on her inadequate shoulders.

Stepping forward, Shade cupped her face. His beautiful face filled her vision. The tender expression in his eyes robbed her of breath. “Breathe, Eddie,” he whispered. “You’ve got this. You are more than you believe yourself to be.”

Wrath grunted. “He’s not wrong.”

But it packed so much more punch when Shade said it to her.

“Eddie-girl!” Dee came barreling down the corridor toward her, Vexia following quietly behind. Dee glanced at Wrath and then Shade and wrinkled her nose. “Anyway, darling, this place is amazing. I found a ballroom.” She chuckled. “I mean, a real ballroom with chandeliers and everything.”

“I need to host on occasion,” Wrath murmured with a flush.

“I mean.” Dee planted her hands on her hips. “Who has a ballroom?”

“Not that often.” Wrath cleared his throat. “I mean, the hosting, but it does happen.”

“Archangels do like to waltz.” Shade winked at her. “All except Gabriel, who likes to mark the music’s rhythm and criticize every missed note.”

Dee paid them no mind. “And I also found this massive banqueting hall, with these long tables.” She slashed her hand through the air. “Like Hogwarts.”

Eddie hated to spoil Dee’s fun. “We were talking about repairing the seal,” she said. “That it should happen now.”
