Page 24 of Lust

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“Wrathisgonnakillme.” Yesterday took a deep breath.

Eddie took a minute to decipher his burble. “Wrath is going to kill you?”

Startling, Yesterday glanced around them. “Shhh!”


“Why no—”

“I’ll say his name louder if you don’t stop answering questions with questions.”

Yesterday groaned, did a quick circle around a cleaning bucket, took a deep breath, and said, “I may have annoyed a certain hell prince of changeable temperament.”

“Wrath?” she whispered. Now she had names for two of the hell princes. At this rate, somewhere around the turn of the century, she’d have the full picture.

“I told you not to say his name.” Yesterday glowered at her. He waggled his hands above his head. “They hear everything.”

“Uh-huh.” His dramatics also needed to make like Elvis and leave the building. She’d lived her thirty-two years without the hell princes hearing her and acting on what they heard. At least, she thought she had. Yesterday’s pronouncement raised some unsettling possibilities. Most of them about creepy, listening men with zero social skills.

“I was born of…his…court.” Yesterday sighed and rolled his eyes. “And then I did a thing, which he did not like, and now he searches for me.”

Way to go on the information. “What did you do?”

“Does it matter?”

“What did I say about answering questions with questions?”

Yesterday stamped his foot. “Ugh! Humans are so annoying.”

“Still waiting.” Eddie tapped her foot.

“Fine.” Yesterday quasi-folded his arms again. “I may have said a thing to some of Asmodeus’s demons, which might or might not have made…Asmodeus angry with him and led to a spot of trouble in hell.”

Slippery little fucker. Eddie could well believe that. “Still waiting for more details.”

Actual steam escaped in enthusiastic puffs from Yesterday’s ears. “There is a war in hell.”

“Keep going.”

“But there is always a war in hell.” Yesterday raised his hands—an innocent soul tossed about by the vagaries of fate. “They’re hell princes. They fuck and they fight.”

Eddie wanted to hear less about the fucking and more about the fighting. “Why do they fight?”

“Because they’re hell princes.” Yesterday shrugged. “It is in their nature to war.”

That tracked, so Eddie shifted her focus. “So if they’re always making war, why is…he…mad at you about this war?”

“This war is different.” Yesterday frowned as if trying to puzzle it out. “This time they are trying to end each other.”



Eddie stopped outside the concealed door to the hell gate. She’d done grasshoppers, toads, and naked beings from hell, she had this. Gripping the handle of her broom tighter, she eased the door open.

Fangs, fur, saliva, and glowing red eyes lunged for her.

“Christ!” Slamming the door shut, Eddie leapt back from it, broom at the ready.
