Page 31 of Lust

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“Of course.” Peter tripped over a seat as he made his way down the aisles. “Just joking around.”

“We need to recognize our internalized misogyny as men.” Matt smoothed his crisp cotton shirt. “Nice guys.” He deployed finger quotes. “Often use humor to deflect from their deeply seated prejudices.”

Eddie was losing track of the conversation. “Greenroom,” she ordered. “Lighting bars are coming down and I need to clear the stage.”

“Theatre safety code section two, paragraph twelve,” Rodney murmured.


“Excuse me.” A melodic female voice floated into the theatre like the scent of apple pie on a crisp autumn morning. A woman stepped into the light of the working lamps overhead. It struck her golden blond hair and made it gleam.

Everyone gaped.


The hell hound’s howling drifted away, lost in the thrall of the woman now standing in the auditorium.

She smiled—and holy baby Jesus—Eddie was ready to hand over her wallet, her heart, her life, and her soul. Curved, pillowy ruby lips parted over crystalline white teeth. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

“Not at all.” Peter nearly face planted into H1 in his rush to reach her. “We were just about to take a break.”

“Actually.” Lillian got tightlipped. “We were in the middle of a very important creative conflict.”

“No, we weren’t.” Barrie adopted his matinee idol drawl. “Woman in her prime. Flexing her power.” He strode across the stage and niftily vaulted the three steps leading from the stage to the auditorium with his hand held out. “Barrie Vermark.” He flashed a toothy grin. “Currently, Macbeth, and at your service.”

“Hello.” The woman giggled and returned the handshake. “Sophia.”

Peter shouldered Barrie out of the way. “Peter Hampstead, resident director, and board member. How can we help you?”

Patty snorted.

“Are we going to the greenroom, or not?” Lillian jammed her hands on her hips.

“Apparently, not.” Matt sniffed and leaned closer to Lillian and whispered, “You’re so much hotter.”

Lillian was beautiful, no bones about it, but this woman was next level. Iris-blue eyes glowed at Peter and Barrie as she smiled and explained she was new in town.

“What brings you to Clayton, Ontario?” Barrie flexed a bicep as he smoothed back his hair. “Not exactly on the beaten path.”

“Oh.” Sophia smiled. “I love it here. So charming, and everyone is so friendly.”

Yesterday had launched into what looked like a St. Vitus dance behind his light. Eddie couldn’t drag her gaze off Sophia. It was almost as if a golden glow surrounded her, and it made Eddie want to get closer to its warmth.

“We are super friendly.” Peter oozed close enough to qualify as a physical threat.

Lillian stalked to the edge of the stage. “You didn’t say what you were doing here.”

“So true,” Matt whispered.

Sophia turned those hyacinth blues on Lillian. “Are you Lillian Hampstead?”

“Y-e-s.” Not eager to offend a possible fan, Lillian brought her hostile down from DEFCON four.

“I’m such a fan.” Pretty pink stained the perfect peach of Sophia’s cheeks. “I saw you at the NAC and I…” She gave a helpless little hand flutter. “I’ve been a fan ever since.”


What the…well, hell…were the hounds getting so antsy about?
