Page 43 of Lust

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His first hound raised its head and stared at him. Did it think to challenge him?

Over a human woman?

Her body heat drew him closer, and he eased her back against his chest. She fit him like a key in a lock, and he took a moment to draw her scent into him, feel the press of her silky skin and strong body against him.

Not a witch, yet powerful in her own right. The only answer that came to him was so nonsensical that he dismissed it out of hand. Such a being could not possibly exist.

Eddie woke with her back pressed against warm, smooth skin that smelled amazing.

A huge furry head appeared beside her bed, as one of the hounds propped his chin on her bed. The hounds she’d last seen lying beside Shade, who was apparently sleeping in her bed with her.

Eddie leapt out of the bed as if he’d scalded her. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

Flashing straight, white teeth, Shade yawned and rolled to his back. He stretched his arms above his head in a thoroughly distracting snap and ripple of muscle. The bandages she’d wrapped around him were gone, leaving only small cuts and abrasions to mar his perfect skin. “I was sleeping.” His slate eyes opened and fastened on her with disconcerting intensity. “You intrigue me, little human.”

What the hell was this little human business? Last night, lost in desire, she’d not had any interest in bringing it up. But now that she was awake and not trying to dry hump him, she was laying down her issue. “Stop calling me little human. It’s demeaning and pejorative.”

“Big words, little—Eddie.” He tucked his hands behind his head. Biceps bulged in a way his smug expression declared he was all too well aware of.

Dragging her gaze away from the view, she snapped, “How do you know my name?”

“I know all.” His eyes twinkled, and she hardened herself against the effect.

Her knees rejected the suggestion, and she had to hold on to the bedpost.

He jerked his head toward the side of the bed. “And the lads told me.”

“They speak to you?” Eddie felt oddly let down.

He shrugged. “I created them.”

Right, well, she’d forgotten that. But hang on a hot second here. “None of which explains what you were doing in my bed.”

“It’s a good bed,” he said. “And I don’t like to sleep alone.”

Words vaporized and left her brain empty. She stood there gaping like the village idiot.

“A more interesting topic is what else the lads told me.” He rubbed one large, square hand across his chest, and then kept going down his abdominals and stopped halfway beneath the sheet draped over his hips.

Thank the lord for that, because she couldn’t seem to tear her gaze away. Spit dried in her mouth, and prickles of desire unfurled through her. “Stop doing that.”

“Doing what, Eddie?” His eyes glowed silver.

“That thing.” She jabbed a forefinger at his face. “Whatever the hell that thing is that you do that makes me…experience certain sensations.”

“Sensations?” He raised one brow. “Let’s talk about those sensations.”

“Nope.” She grabbed her trusty bathrobe and slipped it on. Armed with terrycloth, she felt much more capable of having this conversation. Coffee would be good, but she wasn’t taking her eyes off that tricky son of a bitch.

“Fair enough.” He sat up, not quite suppressing his grimace. The sheet pooled in his lap.

It begged the question that if the man was the personification of lust, did the equipment match the reputation? No, it fucking didn’t. She needed to stop this shit. “You’re doing it again.”

His gaze hadn’t gone silver. “I’m really not.”

“So not the point.” Eddie folded her arms over her breasts. She didn’t want him to see her disobedient nipples.

“Let’s discuss what else the lads told me.” His expression hardened. “The lads also told me you were going to toss me through the hell gate again.” His eyes went glacial. “You were going to push me through the hell gate to fend for myself in my weakened state.”
