Page 81 of Lust

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“You are well?” Cronus side eyed her with his creepy red eyes.

What was with that? If Shade had created the hounds, couldn’t he have done it without the vampire peepers. Those eyes creeped her the fuck out. “I’m hot,” she snapped.

“We will stop to drink,” Cronus said.

“I don’t want to stop for a goddamn drink.” Cronus and his stupid suggestions were making everything worse. “I want to find Shade and get out of here.” She glared around her, willing the other furry asshole to appear. “I thought Xerxes said we were getting near.”

Cronus blinked at her. “We do draw near.”

“No, we don’t,” Eddie yelled, and then lowered her voice before one of Wrath’s shit for brains demons heard her. “If we were getting close, then we would have found him already. But we haven’t, have we? All we do is walk and walk and fucking walk.” Her voice had risen again, and she had to breathe deep to get a handle on her temper. She wanted to hit shit, and kick it, and yell at it. Well, she was already doing the latter.

Cronus stopped and stared at her. “You become incensed.”

“Bullshit.” She bit down on her molars to stop from bellowing at him. “I’m hot and sick of walking, and my fucking hair won’t stay out of my face.” She ripped out her hair tie, taking a handful of strands with it, dragged her hair back until her eyes watered and tied it up again. That would teach it to keep getting in her face.

Xerxes materialized right in front of her.

“Shit!” Eddie leapt eight feet back. “Stop doing that.” She glowered at him. “Warn me before you appear, or next time I might hit you. I know krav maga.” She jammed her hands on her hips. “I’ve been to…three lessons, and I can take you out.”

Xerxes looked at Cronus.

Cronus stared at her.

“What?” They could stop side eyeing each other about her as well.

Yesterday crawled out from beneath a stupidly pink ferny thing. Why did all the plants here look like the inside of a vagina? Nobody wanted to see that everywhere. He sidled closer to Cronus. “Why is Eddie shouting?”

“I’m right here.” Eddie poked his huge, round forehead. “And I’m yelling because you’re all pissing me off. This place is pissing me off. Shade is pissing me off, and this whole situation pissed me way the fuck off days ago.”

All three of them gaped at her.

“I think you should calm down,” Cronus said.

“Oh my god!” Eddie yelled. Her anger ripped free in a glorious, blinding rage. “You did not just tell me to calm down. You did not just say that.”


“When in the history of assholes telling women to calm down has that ever worked?” She crossed her arms and glared. “Give me one time. Just one. I’m waiting.” She tapped her foot for emphasis. Then got tired of waiting because she had a shit ton more to say. “I dare you to ask me if it’s my time of the month. Do it!”

“Mistress?” Cronus and Xerxes took a step back.

“The only reason I’m here is because of that overgrown fucking horndog you call master. Here in this pissing oven with these stupid plants.” She gave a tree trunk a solid kick and it didn’t hurt…much. “This is nothing to do with me. Nothing. There I was minding my own business, looking after that shitty hell gate because Dee had to go off and get her oil changed by a man young enough to be dating me.” She jabbed her chest for emphasis. “And my mother is too fucking flaky to be trusted with a pencil, and suddenly it’s Eddie must take care of the hell gate.” The unfairness of the situation dripped acid into her system. “Well, Eddie is sick of taking care of shit for other people. Sick of plunging their fucking toilets, lighting their stupid shows, cleaning up after their untalented asses, and listening to their constant fucking whining. Eddie has had enough. Enough!”

Xerxes froze and his head snapped to the right.

Cronus’s hackles rose.

And the biggest rhinoceros-like motherfucker Eddie had ever seen crashed out of the forest with his sights set on her.

Cronus bellowed in her head. “Run!”

Taking all her bottled-up fury, Eddie shot after Yesterday and the hounds.



Eddie ran as if she was being chased by an eight-foot behemoth with a head like a rhino and a horn the size of her arm—because she was. Weaving through the forest, leaping over fallen logs, sliding under low hanging branches with a grunting, snorting beast on her tail, it took her a while to notice that the hounds were keeping up with her and not the other way around.
