Page 96 of Lust

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“Here.” Yesterday darted forward and tossed something at her.

Her hand snapped out on reflex and caught the heaven wrought blade. The demons stopped short and hissed at her.

The heaven wrought blade gleamed in Eddie’s fist.

“Eddie.” Shade held his hands out. “Be very fucking careful with that.”

From the floor, Wrath groaned and struggled to his feet.

“What do I do with it?” Eddie didn’t want this much power. It was too terrifying.

“You buy us time.” Shade darted forward and wrapped his fist around hers. “I cannot touch it. But you can.” Yanking her closer, he thrust their joined hands down and stabbed Wrath in the shoulder with the blade.

Eddie screamed.

Wrath threw back his head and bellowed.

“Get up.” Shade hissed into Wrath’s ear. “Or I’ll angle this straight into your heart.

“You wouldn’t dare,” Wrath panted through gritted teeth. Agony contorted his face into a grimace.

“But she might.” Shade jerked his head toward her. “And it’s going to fucking hurt.”

Eddie wanted to yank her hand away from Shade’s grip keeping it on the hilt, but the hovering demons kept her right where she was.

“Want to bet your life on how much we know about Nephilim powers?” Shade growled. “Who can know what a heaven blade wielded by a Nephilim can do.”

Wrath went still. “Now what?”

“Now we get the fuck out of here?” Eddie wasn’t going to stay and face the odds. “And you’re our ticket out.”



“You made me stab him,” Eddie hissed as Shade draped an unconscious Wrath over Cronus’s back. Blood dribbled down Wrath’s side and on Cronus’s fur. She tried to wipe it away with her sleeve. “Isn’t he heavy?”

“I am well, mistress.” Cronus snuffled her neck. “I am stronger than I look.”

Cronus looked like he could shoulder a truck, but still he was her hound, and she didn’t like the idea of him being used like a pack mule.

“When I’m stronger, I’ll carry the fucker,” Shade said and winced. “Aren’t you worried about my wounds?”

“Maybe.” She was, but she didn’t want to show it.

Shade looked pale in the dim light of the corridor they’d come through to reach the palace.

“Rough, Eddie.” Shade grinned at her. “You’re a tough woman to impress.”

She noticed for the first time since they’d fled the room with the seal that Xerxes was sticking to Shade’s side. Almost like the hound was providing physical support. “You’re not trying to impress me.” Eddie peeked at him out of the corner of her eye. “Are you?”

“Maybe.” He grinned. “So what’s your plan?”

“My plan?” Eddie stopped in her tracks and gaped at him. This was his demesne, his stomping ground.

“Your plan.” Shade pointed to her. “You wanted us out of the palace. You knocked out Wrath. You stabbed him with the heaven wrought blade.”

That was too much. “I did not stab him. You made me do it.”
